Feeling fed up

Hello I really need help as I am feeling so fed up and sad about the way life is and with life being unfair when it should not be unfair at all as we are all humans and that everyone should be treated as individuals and equally just the same as everyone else. Also that everyone should finally get what they want as we all have rights and that rights apply to all of us. I feel like giving up sometimes on life and everything because I just cannot cope anymore with the way I have been treated like being treated badly or unfairly and not having any positives in my life at all. I just want the world and life to change and also get better for me and others that are going through the same thing as me and that life should never be unfair and that everyone should be allowed to have their freedom and to be more independent as much as they want at a young age as life should not be unfair in situations like that.

Parents Reply Children
  • How about your GP? Are you diagnosed? I had to tell the GP first. Meanwhile there is support here, but emotional rather than practical. I got referred to psychologist. If you feel really desperate then the GP needs to know how you feel. I hope I am not making it worse for you. I also have good friends who listen, but appreciate they are rare. 

  • I do not have any support at all now and that things do need to finally change for me right now as it should have to take so long at all.

  • I hear you. I’m out at present. I’m a musician. Do you have support and interests? Life is so frustrating! 

  • Yes I do Alice and that people need to stop saying things differently to me as they need to say the same helpful and kind things as everyone else and to treat me the same as everyone else as this is not right or fair with not everyone being treated the same or equally. Also people need to stop saying things that are not right or helpful like it takes even many years for some people to finally get what they want like find love, have a happy life, life to finally get better for me or other people when they have been through a lot of trauma like I have for years now and that it finally needs to stop not when it is the right time or it has to take even years for these negative things to finally end and for people to be treated how they want or should be treated. People also need to stop saying that that is the way life goes and that it does not always work like that when it should for everyone as everyone of all ages need good people in their lives no matter who they are, for not everything to always take too long or it’s time for things to change or finally get better as that mine and everyone else’s life should be able to get better at the same amount of time and not for these things to take years or even too long as we are all humans and that life can get better for everyone without that having to take many years when that is not true at all as life can finally get better for everyone right now or if not it could be only be a few years or months.