About the "How are you?" question

What do you think about the "How are you?" question?

I, personally, do not like this question and I have never liked it.

I do not know what to answer.

Also, a lot of the time, I think it is expected just to give a positive answer, but I often feel awful to say "Fine!" simply to be polite if I am not fine. 

  • I do ask the question of people who are important enough to ask and I do answer the question with total honesty. If I have asked it it's because I want/ need to know the answer. And I assume that if you ask me it's because you want to know.

    I can't stand to be asked it of people who don't know me at all. That doesn't include people in here. The people in here who have asked it although they don't know me in real life do know a lot about me and the people I have asked in here is because I know there is something in their life or health to ask about.

  • The person here who asked me a few days ago how I was got my answer and told me to ring someone and probably saved my life. So I'm glad the some people ask it.

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