Really struggling with cleaning/ household tasks

I have just had a diagnosis of apsergers (with a fair amount of adhd traits too) at 38. I have a long history of depression and anxety. I am struggling most with executive functioning and it is the adhd traits that seem to be causing my the most problems at the moment. I have struggled for so long with keeping my house clean and uncluttered. My house is full of clutter and I am a huge procrastinator, have very low motivation and even if I do actually manage to do some housework I get distracted or can't seem to  do it for long. I get over whelmed by everything that needs to be done but also seem to have an issue with just doing a little bit at a time. 

I have been criticised by my husband and my parents for so long as they just couldn't understand why I found it all so difficult. I wish I could employ a cleaner and someone to help me organise things but I don't have the money. 

Any adivce woulde be much appreciated. I was only diagnosed last week and am still getting my head around it all. 

  • I can totally relate to the overwhelm of trying to keep up with household chores, especially with ADHD in the mix. It can feel like an uphill battle with no end in sight. One thing that's been a game-changer for me is finding support in unexpected places. When I hit a similar wall, I reached out to [link removed by moderator]. Their understanding and tailored approach really helped lighten the load. Sometimes, a little outside help can make a world of difference, even if it's just a small step at a time. Take care of yourself.

  • When I see this type of spam bot, I am always a little bit tempted to make contact with (in this case, Atlanta commercial cleaning services) to mess with their heads a bit, in a thoroughly UK autistic way.  Thankfully, I'm always too "cba" to fall foul of that petty temptation.......but, maybe one day....?!

  • Lol i feel that way with spammy bots sometimes too. This ones timing is a bit out...8 years too late. 

    I was on an writing forum last year and that suddenly had an invasion of bots that seemed to manifest mysteriously overnight. I like the internet but bots are a pain. Sorry to see they exist here. 

  • I'm glad you gained something positive from it. Sometimes such things can lead to interesting facts and information, even if it is useless, learning is more often than not fun... I like Atlanta, interesting history, beautiful scenery... fascinating wildlife. 

    A snake I saw when visiting relatives last year (I didn't stick around to find out what type of snake it was).

    Nice to know you Number...see you around.

  • I agree with all you say........and yet...... I have enjoyed learning a little about Alpharetta, GA as a result of this spam.  Ironically, this company has a Data Centre AND a Verizon corporate office building on the other side of the road to their cleaning business......I'm sure there is no connection....but an interesting coincidence.

    I have also learnt that there are a lot of tress in that corner of Atlanta.  I do like to learn, even if it is broadly  pointless information!!

  • I agree with all you say........and yet...... I have enjoyed learning a little about Alpharetta, GA as a result of this spam.  Ironically, this company has a Data Centre AND a Verizon corporate office building on the other side of the road to their cleaning business......I'm sure there is no connection....but an interesting coincidence.

    I have also learnt that there are a lot of tress in that corner of Atlanta.  I do like to learn, even if it is broadly  pointless information!!

  • I'm glad you gained something positive from it. Sometimes such things can lead to interesting facts and information, even if it is useless, learning is more often than not fun... I like Atlanta, interesting history, beautiful scenery... fascinating wildlife. 

    A snake I saw when visiting relatives last year (I didn't stick around to find out what type of snake it was).

    Nice to know you Number...see you around.