I am at that stage were i need to wright my CV and at 18 im beging to wonder if I should put the fact that I have aspergers on my CV, but I'm worried if I do that i won't be able to get a job because of how crewl the world of work is to those with apergers and austim.

Don't get me worng I'm not looking for a part time job just yet but i like to be perpered for everything and anything that could come up

Has anyone else been in this situation before

[name removed by moderator]

  • Caretwo - the point about abstract/hypothetical questions is interesting. I have the opposite problem at interviews - mind goes blank when asked "give me a specific example of something you did in your last job" type questions, whereas I'm OK with "what would you do if?", as I'm quite practical. Main reason I ended up in IT was down to the interviews being more scenario-based than memory based. Hate "tell me about yourself" questions, as I end up waffling. 

  • Caretwo - the point about abstract/hypothetical questions is interesting. I have the opposite problem at interviews - mind goes blank when asked "give me a specific example of something you did in your last job" type questions, whereas I'm OK with "what would you do if?", as I'm quite practical. Main reason I ended up in IT was down to the interviews being more scenario-based than memory based. Hate "tell me about yourself" questions, as I end up waffling. 

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