Things you can’t throw away

In storage boxes under my bed I have various things from childhood that I just can’t throw away.

These include encyclopaedias called “The Planets”, the “Universe and the Earth” and “Dinosaurs”, an old Observer’s Book of Astronomy, an old atlas and a small globe, some ancient technical lego, an ancient Casio calculator watch and some cuddly toys. These are all things that made me.

It also contains my first year matriculation card from uni, which features a picture of 17 year old me. I feel massive empathy for my younger self when I look at it. He did not know what was coming.

None of these things have intrinsic value but I couldn’t possibly throw them away.

Do you have such keepsakes?

  • I have very few possessions, the only thing Ihave from childhood is a toy mangle which my parents found when moving. The nearest thing I have to things I don't want to throw away are the xmas decorations, they have so many memories and some are old, others I made with my daughter when she was a child.

    Books are my largest collection, but even then I still don't have many compared to many people, I could still fit all my stuff in a transit van, thats about double the amont of stuff I had for many years, I used to be able to fit my life in a Nissan Micra and most of that was cooking stuff.

  • I used to have boxes of these things, but multiple moves internationally for jobs meant I had to take the hard decision and get rid of all of it.

    I was able to scan in photos, cards and some other stuff that was meaningful so I have a bunch of high capacity portable hard drives with all my archives saved there, and one set travels with me while one set stays with family in case I lose mine or they get corrupted.

    About the only things I really long for that I got rid of were some old motorbikes, but these are hardly practical to take with me or pay to store.