Unable to stop ranting...

Sometimes my Mother gets seriously brassed off because I can't stop ranting at other drivers poor driving skills like drivers pulling out without indicating and then continue fail to indicate when turning left.

This is just one type of incident, the fact remains, I can't help but having to "explode" and I've been like this all my life and I was only diagnosed as autistic 3 months ago and I am 51 years old.

Is this genuinely an autistic trait or am I just an aggressive person because it's my default setting since childhood?

  • Is this genuinely an autistic trai

    The feeling of the injustive of it is most likely autistic I think but your anger issues may not be.

    When you think of it, when you are ranting at the other drivers then you are no longer focussing on your own driving and have become a hazard to others through being in a distracted state and a altered frame of mind.

    I'm sure you consider yourself to be fully in control, but when you consider these 2 factors, you are in less control than before.

    I used to be this way with my driving and it was only when I started practicing mindfulness that I found I could accept that the other drivers were just rubbish and there was no point wasting energy on them.

    This led me to be so much calmer, able to continue to be as observant as normal and not scare the living daylights out of my passangers.

    It may be worth a try - for the lowering of your own stress levels and a lower chance of triggering road rage from another driver if nothing else.

  • I think it's because they aren't following the rules and you are. I also get really angry if someone pulls out right in front of me - do they not know what a junction is for? Or if I'm first into a carpark but the person behind me goes a different way and finds the only available space, I'm fuming because I was technically first, so it should be mine. I have big issues with injustice!

  • I have similar feelings. i cannot wrap my head around the fact people don’t follow the rules or the road!! my partner always says what do you expect or not everyone follows the rules, as if it makes me feel better to acknowledge that, but it makes ir worse because i could never imagine not following the rules; and cannot understand why others don’t! 

  • I don't suffer with road rage, but I do get road irritation and a fairly constant stream of insults leave my mouth as other's don't indicate, indicate as they're going round the corner, undertake me, get to close, break the speed limit etc.

    Maybe it's niether an ASC thing or an agressive person thing, but a fear response shared by many other people who are afraid of being in an accident because of someone elses stupidity?