meeting for the first time

im just starting a relationship with a person who as aspergers Slight smile and im new to this condition any advice 

  • Hi and welcome the community!

    It's great that you're reaching out here! :)

    I suggest borrowing / buying this book, which addresses all manner of potential issues that can arise within neurotypical + neurodivergent relationships. As your relationship hopefully develops, you might also find it helpful It to complete the included exercises that accompany various of the subject areas. 

    Loving Someone with Asperger's Syndrome: Understanding and Connecting with your Partner

  • It's not an easy question to answer as we all experience it differently. Some aren't keen on physical contact, others crave it etc.

    It's like meeting any new person it's all about figuring each other out. Be clear with what you're looking for and don't push them to be overly sociable as some of us can have our social battery drained quickly.

    I wish you both happiness