Help With Being In Bother

I have been told that our community gets disproportionately more hassle than the non neuro diverse.

Do you agree?

Does anyone have any advice for-

1- Achieving a boring life without hassle from council and police?

2- Any advice on how to deal with above when they are acting with discrimination ?

  • 1) if you are able to cope by yourself (work a job that supports you in what you need and don’t try to self-medicate with substances like alcohol and street drugs) i doubt you’d have excessively more trouble from the police/council than a neurotypical. A sunflower lanyard or badges could also help if you’re ever stopped (i think this also depends more on the country you’re in + your appearance as well).

    2) I’m not too sure- it might be worth contacting the NAS to see if they have advice? It seems like a lot of the guidance is aimed at police officers rather than autistic people. I feel like communication cards could help though?

  • all above done many thanks

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