I discovered that I don't have something to live for..

When people talk about emotions, I express my opinion logically, but they respond by saying I'm an exception, that I'm different. I’ve realized that while everyone seems to have something to live for, I don’t. My mother only urges me to work, but I don’t have the money to enjoy life. I wake up just to work, and sleep only to wake up for work again. I don’t love anyone; I feel completely empty..

How can i fix it? 

  • Hi, I’m sorry you are going through such a difficult experience. in fact I don’t know what job you have, but like everyone you also must have some free time. Have you tried to join any group? Not necessarily only group for autistic people, maybe there are also  some groups related to interests - sport, art, photography etc. do you have any hobby or interest, if you are not very anxious about meeting people. You wrote, that you don’t have money to enjoy your life. It’s very subjective thing, what means enjoy life. Maybe there are some little things that would make you happier without any monetary cost? I love walking, listening to music and generally creating, writing stories and creating handmade things. That calms me down, makes me feel safe and happy. In fact I have little to no time for my favorite things recently because I’m a working mother of a toddler and wife. 
    have you tried therapy? Maybe you are experiencing burn out or other issues. 

  • It sounds like you need to explore new perspectives. I've been mulling over this idea that, rather than there being a meaning to life, life is what gives meaning to everyone else. And nothing in this world is better at giving meaning to things than we humans. I live outside an abandoned football pitch that has been slowly returning to nature. Watching young trees creep into view from my window has been quite pleasant for me. It gives me a feeling of continuity in the world.

    If you feel like you don't have something to live for, then you should seek to find something that has meaning to you. It doesn't need to have emotional content to it. It just needs to be something that gives you a positive thought or feeling.