I discovered that I don't have something to live for..

When people talk about emotions, I express my opinion logically, but they respond by saying I'm an exception, that I'm different. I’ve realized that while everyone seems to have something to live for, I don’t. My mother only urges me to work, but I don’t have the money to enjoy life. I wake up just to work, and sleep only to wake up for work again. I don’t love anyone; I feel completely empty..

How can i fix it? 

  • This is what I want. I moved from Yemen to Turkey because my family knows that Yemen, or any country in the Middle East, doesn’t suit me or my way of thinking. Since I moved to Turkey, I've wanted to live independently, have Turkish friends, a dog, and travel the world to explore history. But I can't. I have nothing. I can't work because it's not legal. I couldn't attend college because my family said no. I spend my days lying in bed and waking up just to please them by helping with business, but I feel like I'm constantly crashing, saying to myself, 'This isn't my world.' So, I’ve decided to take a step and free myself from everything. I've tried to travel many times to start over, but because of my passport, the world has shut its doors on me. But I'm not a harmful person. No one loves me because they feel uncomfortable.. What I'm doing in this world? 

  • Not allowed at home.. To get amy type of creature 

  • I will get back to you in the morning i promise, little bit short of time right now Pray

  • Ive tried to commit suicide a couple of times but failed, happy i failed.

    Can relate this to myself which is sad. In 2019 I was really unwell with the on going flu etc. Unfortunately beginning of the year 2024 i had the nasty coughing virus. 

    Takes time to heal and it's baby steps. Take things slowly. Taken me a while to go back watching crime programmes. Unfortunately I can't stay up to late than used to. 

  • Please tell me more!

  • Your bio on your profile is awesome

  • Thank you!

    Could you expand om that please :)

    I think Hungary is a very nice place to live, unfortunate that they are so close to the on going war atm.

    Let me know if you want more info i got tons :)

  • Get a cat! 

    Spend your life in happy servitude, and leanrning new skills... 

  • Awesome post.

    I have Hungary at the top of places I think I'd like to ask for political asylum when they actually make my way of being and/or thinking offcially illegal! 

  • I am going to be autisticly honest.

    Ive tried to commit suicide a couple of times but failed, happy i failed.

    I sold everything i had and started to travel and worked remotely, seing another perspective of life and other cultures changed everything.

    It is weird when you are from Sweden where people stand 15 feet away from you at the bus stop and never says hi or talks, they avoid you and thats Swedes.

    I relocated to Hungary and i didnt know anyone and not the language either. But every single person came to knock on my door and welcome me, Ive never had so much food in my life, they all came with things they cooked at home, alcohol etc.

    They were basically autistic people, no filters and i literally felt like i was home.

    Changed my perspective and i noticed that its just where i am at that sucks and its not for me.

    Trust me my family, friends literally everyone tried to stop me and told me i am not going to make it, its dangerous etc etc. Guess what?

    They were dead wrong, way safer then Sweden, the people were amazing, the culture, food and the architecture was brilliant! I miss it badly, i am back in Sweden because my wife got kids and they need to grow up before we leave for spain.

    Do you need a friend or just someone to rant to?

    I am here and let me know if you want a way to direct message.

    Life is f-ing hard, but its also f-ing beautiful

    I dont want to miss a thing

  • You may lack a special interest. Do you have any spare time? If so, go explore and see what your drawn to. You are alive so you do have something to live for - go find it, it's out there waiting for you, your Shangrila. If you have not got free time, find some.

  • How about doing a science course at your local college? Then you could meet like minded people and feel less isolated.

  • Indeed. They represent the friends that I was hoping to make on my course but who I am currently not allowed to even contact while I await an 'occupational health' report. Thus how autistics are treated as different, marginalised and excluded from doing the things that are often hardest, like trying to socialise.

  • You have minions 

  • Knowing that you're not alone, my friend. Hugging It's not much advise - well, not any advise - but I feel your pain. You are different and that is beautiful. Take the time to appreciate how much potential you have, even if, indeed especially if, you can't see it at the moment. Tomorrow is a new day. x


  • About therapy nooo.. Baaad people.. Baaad.. They are not good people.. 

  • The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

    Douglas Adams said it was the answer to the meaning of life, the universe, and everything. He meant it as a joke, but a new book shows how the number 42 has played a significant role in history..

  • 42 has many meanings i can't get yours 

  • I used to love science, but no one else seemed to care about it not allowed. Now, I work as a graphic designer, just creating designs and ideas. I hate people, and they hate me. So, I stay in my room, my only space, to avoid getting hurt or hurting anyone.. But great you live for you son and your husband..