I discovered that I don't have something to live for..

When people talk about emotions, I express my opinion logically, but they respond by saying I'm an exception, that I'm different. I’ve realized that while everyone seems to have something to live for, I don’t. My mother only urges me to work, but I don’t have the money to enjoy life. I wake up just to work, and sleep only to wake up for work again. I don’t love anyone; I feel completely empty..

How can i fix it? 

  • Knowing that you're not alone, my friend. Hugging It's not much advise - well, not any advise - but I feel your pain. You are different and that is beautiful. Take the time to appreciate how much potential you have, even if, indeed especially if, you can't see it at the moment. Tomorrow is a new day. x


  • Knowing that you're not alone, my friend. Hugging It's not much advise - well, not any advise - but I feel your pain. You are different and that is beautiful. Take the time to appreciate how much potential you have, even if, indeed especially if, you can't see it at the moment. Tomorrow is a new day. x

