How do you ask a woman out on a date?

Let's say I know this woman who works at a local supermarket, she smiled at me and said she liked my coat. I believe that's flirting, correct? How do I ask her out on a date?

  • I believe that's flirting,

    I found that just asking (while wearing a cheeky grin) "are you flirting with me?" is a great way  - anything other than a NO means she probably was so you can just follow up "thank goodness, I was going to feel a bit daft asking you out otherwise." and let her lead the conversation from there.

    If she does say "NO" to the flirting question then a good follow up would be "shot down in flames again. Still, with someone as amazing as you I couldn't help but ask".

    The compliment should defuse the situation from there.

    That would be my approach.

  • Smooth... 

    Da womble is a playa! 

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