How do you ask a woman out on a date?

Let's say I know this woman who works at a local supermarket, she smiled at me and said she liked my coat. I believe that's flirting, correct? How do I ask her out on a date?

  • Yes, I agree that there is a very good possibility that it could be 'flirting'. But unfortunately the world is getting more dangerous for men to respond 'in like fashion' and flirting back, even if all the signs seems to point that way. I know at railway stations there are posters saying that men could be apprehended by the police for even looking at a woman the wrong way and causing her to feel discomfort. So even more reason why I keep my head low and maybe try to catch an eye if I'm feeling foolhardy enough.

    But with the example given, I'd reiterate what's been shared on here. Exchange like for like: 'nice coat, nice hair'. That sounds good. If she's interested she'll probably try to make small talk so persevere. One step at a time. Good luck! Blush

  • What would be classed as "the wrong way"?

  • That's the question. I think they must mean something like 'staring with intent'. All very Orwellian but apparently all necessary to ensure that women are made to feel safe.

  • I think there should be some sort of award for people who can manage to fall over in a lift. That's quite a feat!

    I'm due an award simply for the many many times I've fallen over.

    I think I've fallen over on most of my holidays abroad too.

    I'd let people on the tube first ("after you!") and not be able to get on myself.

    Bless you.

  • I think there should be some sort of award for people who can manage to fall over in a lift. That's quite a feat!

    I grew up up North and moved down South about 20 years ago. My wife would laugh and be slightly annoyed because I'd let people on the tube first ("after you!") and not be able to get on myself.

  • I think there should be some sort of award for people who can manage to fall over in a lift. That's quite a feat!

    I grew up up North and moved down South about 20 years ago. My wife would laugh and be slightly annoyed because I'd let people on the tube first ("after you!") and not be able to get on myself.
