Looking for friends

Hi! Im recently late diagnosed and have always failed at making friends in person so would love to make some online friends.

im 21 from the UK and a lesbian. i LOVE cats and nightmare before christmas (as well as all horror/spooky stuff). i also have two bunnies called chai and jasmine. 

anyone with similar interests? Slight smile

  • 42, Pansexual man,  Interested in current affairs, history, music, cinema, draughts and football.

    If anyone wants to send me a friend request then feel free.

  • I heard of them through Pixiefox talking about them here. I did one on animal psychology. Was really interesting. No time or people pressure at all.

  • Hi Ems, which ones are you doing?

    I've completed:

    Herodotus & the invention of history
    Watching the weather.
    Exploring ancient Greek religion
    An introduction to Artificial intelligence

    And I'm just starting Life in the Palaeozoic.

  • Hi Freckles, like Em says they're short courses where you work alone at your own pace, reading text & articles, sometimes watching videos, and making notes of what you learn in text boxes. Usually there is a quiz at the end. They're not recognised qualifications, it's just for anyone to learn for themselves about something they are interested in. You register for an account, which keeps a record of all courses you do.

    Google 'OU open learn free courses' and you should find the website and more info.

  • Don't want things to get out of control 

  • i know how you feel! sometimes too many different hobbies and activities can get overwhelming 

  • i’ve done a few in the past and they’re all self learning online! just reading through information and answering some questions (doesn’t matter if you get them wrong) there’s no socialising at all it’s completely independent 

  • i’ve also been looking at the free courses on OU!

  • it definitely sounds like we have common interests so i would love to private chat! 

  • Can you tell me a bit more about those free online courses? Do you have to do any phone calls or video chats etc? 

  • Hello! I also struggle with making friends in person but I would always love more online friends. 

    I'm 25 and also from the UK. I've been with my fiancé for 7 years now and we are going to be living together next year! I also love cats and always try to stroke any I see when I go out. I have my own black cat called Wanda. 

    I do love horror movies and games, they're so good. I'd be down to get to know each other if you want to private chatSlight smile

  • Hi and welcome.

    I'm a woman in my sixties and my current interests are reading, playing some video games (I'm quite selective in what I enjoy playing) and studying free online courses with OU open learn. I also like cats and bunnies, although I don't have any pets now as they are not permitted in my flat.

    Hope you enjoy chatting with us.

  • Enjoy reading crime and funny stories. Also non fiction books. Trying to read more and doing my puzzle and colouring books (avoiding the screen); may limit to one of each (one colouring book and one mixed puzzle book); getting too much for me now. 

  • Hi! im also interested in reading, what kind of books do you like to read?

    That sounds very interesting i love crafts and making jewellery. 

  • Hello

    Interested in reading books, photography and listening to music Notes 

    I belong to a group where we do different tasks like:

    Making jewellery, crafts, quiz nights, and play board games. Also talks about different topics like sealife. You don't have to do each one. Plus doesn't cost a lot.


  • Welcome! I'm probably not the person for you but I'll give this a boost so others can see it. Slight smile