Looking for friends

Hi! Im recently late diagnosed and have always failed at making friends in person so would love to make some online friends.

im 21 from the UK and a lesbian. i LOVE cats and nightmare before christmas (as well as all horror/spooky stuff). i also have two bunnies called chai and jasmine. 

anyone with similar interests? Slight smile

  • Hi and welcome.

    I'm a woman in my sixties and my current interests are reading, playing some video games (I'm quite selective in what I enjoy playing) and studying free online courses with OU open learn. I also like cats and bunnies, although I don't have any pets now as they are not permitted in my flat.

    Hope you enjoy chatting with us.

  • Can you tell me a bit more about those free online courses? Do you have to do any phone calls or video chats etc? 

Reply Children
  • I heard of them through Pixiefox talking about them here. I did one on animal psychology. Was really interesting. No time or people pressure at all.

  • Hi Freckles, like Em says they're short courses where you work alone at your own pace, reading text & articles, sometimes watching videos, and making notes of what you learn in text boxes. Usually there is a quiz at the end. They're not recognised qualifications, it's just for anyone to learn for themselves about something they are interested in. You register for an account, which keeps a record of all courses you do.

    Google 'OU open learn free courses' and you should find the website and more info.

  • i’ve done a few in the past and they’re all self learning online! just reading through information and answering some questions (doesn’t matter if you get them wrong) there’s no socialising at all it’s completely independent