Looking for friends

Hi! Im recently late diagnosed and have always failed at making friends in person so would love to make some online friends.

im 21 from the UK and a lesbian. i LOVE cats and nightmare before christmas (as well as all horror/spooky stuff). i also have two bunnies called chai and jasmine. 

anyone with similar interests? Slight smile

  • Hi and welcome.

    I'm a woman in my sixties and my current interests are reading, playing some video games (I'm quite selective in what I enjoy playing) and studying free online courses with OU open learn. I also like cats and bunnies, although I don't have any pets now as they are not permitted in my flat.

    Hope you enjoy chatting with us.

  • i’ve also been looking at the free courses on OU!

Reply Children
  • I did some on learning to teach, and i did challenging ideas in mental health, as well as an introduction to death, dying and grief. i was trying to make my cv look a bit better as i dont have much work experience 

  • Hi Ems, which ones are you doing?

    I've completed:

    Herodotus & the invention of history
    Watching the weather.
    Exploring ancient Greek religion
    An introduction to Artificial intelligence

    And I'm just starting Life in the Palaeozoic.