Does anyone have a child with an EHCP, mainstream college?

My daughter has been awarded a EHCP, she is in the first year of college and struggling to get to class. What benefits do you get from the EHCP is there anything I need to know because this is all new to us


  • What benefits do you get from the EHCP

    Your daughter's EHCP itself should "describe your child’s needs and the specialist help and provision required to meet those needs."

    This NAS article explains more, including about SEN support in further education:

    NAS - Extra help at school - Education, health and care plans in England

    You - and she - might also find this related article helpful, including the section on support:

    NAS - Transitions England - Starting college or university

  • I do. We had a few meetings with college regarding difficulties and he also had extra visits before. We have emails for those supporting him, so if there is a difficulty with finding where he should go, we can contact them. I am presuming she has had the EHCP for a while and the application was submitted to the team at the college to agree to the place.

    If the difficulty is getting to the right place once there, they should have a support team to go to. The college my son is at also has a number to call to discuss anything, so I guess they can give you details of who to contact.