I can't imagine anything - I do everything from memory

I have always really struggled to imagine anything. Like in therapy for example or other types of healing, they say to 'imagine a white warm light beaming down on you' or something like that. But I literally cannot do that no matter how I try. The way I 'imagine' things is by recalling it from my visual memory. So if someone says 'imagine a tree' - I cannot just imagine a tree and conjure up this image from nowhere. My brain automatically goes through the filling cabinet of memories in my mind and says 'tree, tree,tree, where was the last time I saw a tree?' then I remember I saw a tree in the park on a walk 2 days ago so I then bring that exact tree to my mind from my memory. 

But this is difficult when people say to imagine something that I have not experienced before or does not exist. I don't know how to create these made up images in my mind. Does anyone else understand what I mean? 

I think it's also one of many reasons why I struggle so much to imagine the future or something that hasn't happened yet as to me in my brain I cannot imagine something that is not already in my memory. I don't know if I am making any sense but I feel so alone. 

The more time I spend with other people, the more utterly disconnected I feel from everyone else around me. I feel more lonely and more alone the more I spend time with others. It just feels like no one is like me. 

  • People often say people with asd cant play imagination games not really true though 

    I can but it helps if I have a guide to work from so I can see the charters and how I can put my own spin on that I need to have a pre planned story that I can work too

    If I try to write my own stories they're ends up being 50 billion stories and it will never reach and ending because I guess I struggle

  • I thought of two things -

    I am totally rubbish at the therapist scenario you describe too. I think that a lot of autistic people are the same. I used to just sit there with my eyes closed until the exercise was over.

    I have a friend who has ADHD, and they have no mind's eye. One of the doctors who diagnosed me also had ADHD and also had no mind's eye. This is called 'Aphantasia'. There is meant o be a link, but you can have one without the other too.

    You are not alone.