PIP assessment

Hi all,

I was formally diagnosed with autism in May. I have other health issues such as ADHD and social anxiety etc.

Anyway, I applied for PIP and although I haven’t had my award letter yet, I requested the assessor report which is correct seems to award 4 points for living and 10 for mobility.

The form is littered with errors and inaccuracies and even says I’ve said thing I didn’t say. 

They’ve even said I don’t need help with taking my medications and making meals etc because I go to work each day (from home) and so if I can remember to work, I am able to take medications etc. Also, because I have a degree, I don’t struggle to understand complex information. Not taking into account I attempted and failed uni about 6 times and was 36 when I graduated!

Why is everything always so exhausting. Especially these kinds of battles. What are other peoples experiences?

  • They've been a nightmare for me too. I've had to appeal most of their decisions over the years. In the end, what worked best for me is to bombard them with as much information as possible, especially if you can get your doctor to sign off on it. Emphasise the struggle and don't show an inch of leeway, because the person you meet isn't the person who makes the final decision. It might as well be a computer you're going up against for all the humanity involved in it, because your job is to hit as many checklist marks as you can justify. And if they refuse you, appeal immediately. Mine got me before a panel of doctors recruited from outside the service, so the people making the decision were actually in the room with me.