Simple business ideas for autistic adults?

Hi everyone, I hope you're doing well.

I've recently turned 40 and have just been diagnosed as autistic. I've worked as a creative freelancer since leaving college, but the fields I worked in (photography, web design, graphic design) are becoming harder to earn from, due to AI, market saturation, and the general devaluing of creative services. Likewise I've been feeling extremely burnt out from the pressures of deadlines, travel, and logistics.

I was wondering if anyone had any simple business ideas that might suit a very anxious autistic person like myself? 

The only thing I can think of currently is something along the gardening/horticulture route. Being in nature is helpful to me, but it's a world I know nothing about. I find it difficult to be around other people a lot, but have always been more of a creative person and I like to do my own thing, rather than being stuck in a corporate structure.

Very lost currently.. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated :)

Many thanks for reading.

  • Seems like something a lot of people try these days are Youtube channels or streaming. Show off your skills, earn a little advertiser money, build a platform for yourself. It's not a sure thing, but it could keep you busy while you explore your options, and maybe create an opportunity for you.

  • See I've wanted to do buying and selling for many years and now I see resellers on YouTube and it makes me want to do it even more but it kind if looks too good to be true plus I dotn have a shed or garage to store stock lol

    You could always see if theres a niche for wildlife photography like selling commissioned pieces?

  • Hi there!

    Being in nature sounds like a great direction.