Does Anyone Want to Chat?

If anyone wants a chat just send me a pm, i'll try to talk about any subject you want,  I'm feeling lonely and isolated today,  I've just sat in all day?

I wish this forum had a chat room , maybe its something that could be considered having

Can anyone play chess? 

  • I can't play now. But I've signed up and requested you both. I'm Mark Spyke. Did you know that Spike was a banned word. I wonder why? I'll leave you to your game, but if I ever feel the need and ever get any sleep, I will look out for you.

  • I can't play now. But I've signed up and requested you both. I'm Mark Spyke. Did you know that Spike was a banned word. I wonder why? I'll leave you to your game, but if I ever feel the need and ever get any sleep, I will look out for you.
