Does Anyone Want to Chat?

If anyone wants a chat just send me a pm, i'll try to talk about any subject you want,  I'm feeling lonely and isolated today,  I've just sat in all day?

I wish this forum had a chat room , maybe its something that could be considered having

Can anyone play chess? 

  • Hey Moonshadow, 

    Maybe we could turn this thread into a bit of a chat space in the absence of something more official? Want to talk about the loneliness and isolation? 

    I can play chess but haven't in years, and I haven't tried virtual platforms but guessing they might not be accessible to me as a blind user Disappointed  Hope you find someone else to play with here though

  • Hey Moonshadow, 

    Maybe we could turn this thread into a bit of a chat space in the absence of something more official? Want to talk about the loneliness and isolation? 

    I can play chess but haven't in years, and I haven't tried virtual platforms but guessing they might not be accessible to me as a blind user Disappointed  Hope you find someone else to play with here though

  • Thanks sphinx,  I usually play chess on but it would be nice to play with people i kind of know from this forum. I'm not sure how Accessible it is for blind users, It might be ok , Its a popular site