my Drawings (general)

sometimes I do funny drawings but iv done a thread for that seperatly to make it easyer. I thought I would make a thread cause Iv been doing lots of drawings today and it made sense to do 

one for drawing specificaly

  • thanks it is cause it is slower cause of puting an exstra one in each frame so you can see it transition to the next frame better. i was only going to do the last frame but decided to do all of them cause all of it was too fast anyway

  • Really good! And the logo on the left is clearer too!

  • thanks. iv done that trick before so I dont know why I didnt think of it at the time. 

  • I may not have explained well. I think that if you used the same drawing a few times it would look like a pause.

    Use the same final picture a few times, and the animation maker will think that they are new frames, but they are not. It will then pause on the final picture because the final picture has been reused a few times.

    I don't know how the gif maker works, but you could upload the same final picture two or more times. I think that this would trick it into pausing. It won't really be pausing but would be showing the same picture.

  • pauseing it wont work but I could try seeing if i can slow the last frame down if i cant slow it down any further without lag it will have to be adding more drawings to the animation to make the last scene that is too fast  more smooth

  • You're so good Zo. I love your art.

  • Would it work like a pause if you repeated the first and last picture? (pic 1, pic 1, pic 2, pic 3, pic 4, pic 4) The more you repeat the same picture, the longer the pause.

    I like the Prisoner of Azkaban because Sirius Black is my favourite character. There are not many characters as old as I am who are also cool. But Sirius is one of them, and the best in my opinion.

  • thanks. it did. the final scene is abit on the fast side and apears and disapears before you can see it properly  but most of the animation is scene and goes smoothly overal so  yes it did. 

    iv watched all of them iv already seen the first move and second movie. iv seen the last movie about dumbledore though i found that one most interesting. those dont have Harry potter in though. the drawings iv done are based on Harry potter and the prisoner of Azcaban mainly so hes casting a spell.  what hes wearing is the black jacket and blue tshirt from the movie with the beige trousers when hes casting the spell. I had to do drawings of him doing gradual  wand movements on sperate peices of paper so i had to do each drawing separately then use a animation app to compile all the drawings and make them move. when you animate something it either automaticaly converts it to mp4 or into a Gif. if it doesnt turn it into a gif i convert the jpeg images into gif by useing a converter like i do with mb and gb but normaly i can choose weather i want to save my animation as mp4 or gif or it just converts it to gif automaticaly depending on what app i use. png can be used to turn drawings and photos into sprites that can move but I didnt do that this time so I  just went with gif 

  • Wow! That worked really well, Zo!

    Have you watched the Fabulous Beasts films yet? I have not found enough time yet.

  • The animation idea is such a good one! Do you know how you will get them to animate?

    I've not done it myself, but I think you can create 'gif' animations online with a set of images.

    I draw things moveing slightly each time and then transfer them to my laptop and make them go fast so that they go through the sequences and look like there moving then  convert it into a gif but I also know that you can use photos of a drawing or something else into a background and erase the background to make it look translucent, and look like your character regardless of if its a drawing or something from a photo or something else sticks out and then you can move it about. the file tyoe changes from JPG to PNG when you do that to make the animation. 

    alternatively you can scrub through your drawings movements at a sudden speed in photo library and record it useing screen recording where your computer records whatever is on your screen then save it to photos but it saves as jpg. 

    there are other ways of doing it aswell like making a movie on your device from your photos of your drawings to look like its moving though

  • The animation idea is such a good one! Do you know how you will get them to animate?

    I've not done it myself, but I think you can create 'gif' animations online with a set of images.

  • sorry the drawings are sideways my photo library presented them as portrait then when I sent them on here they came out sideways 

  • Harry Potter animation. I did an animation so that I can see if I can turn it into a proper moving  animation when I can. Harry Potter  casting a spell