Find certain sounds annoying!

I stay with my parents on the weekend and I find certain sounds really annoying. Normally I am able to grin and bear it but recently due to a meltdown my sensory processing is a lot harder and I get a bit angry when I hear certain sounds.

For example, when we all have ice creams in the evening on the sofa my Dad will wait until we’ve all finished- (to take the freezer chill off it apparently), and then crunch away on his ice cream which I find unbearable. Recently I’ve been putting my hands over my ears and I unfortunately make a big scene and Dad gets cross.

Does anyone else struggle with processing certain sounds? I also really hate the sound of tin foil.

Today we had a fry up and all the sounds of things beeping, bacon sizzling & heat from the stove meant I had to leave the room for a few seconds before coming back and feeling better. I think that is a bit different though as there’s other sensory processing going on such as the heat and smells and I get more angry with certain sounds all of a sudden happening. (Although how stressed I get by it depends on how I’m feeling).

I was reading online that a suggestion is to put some earphones in. I have Apple AirPods but am worried I would look rude putting them in out of the blue.

Any advice would be most welcome, thanks in advance! 

  • A book I'm reading talks about how our current disposition often changes how sensory inputs are perceived. This explains why the same inputs can be sometimes tolerable and sometimes unbearable.

    I think a good start is to have grace for yourself. Just because you could tolerate it before does not make the current discomfort or pain any less. Later, after things calm down for you, it could be fine again. It's ok that it bothers you.

    If your family is open to hearing, I think sharing your experience like you have here is a good way to express to them what you are going through. Since my recent discovery of being autistic, I've realized how poorly I've managed raising my boys and have hindered them instead of helping them grow. I can only assume that all parents want to know what is best for their children, and if they don't know then they can't help.

    For me, I personally have purchased sound cancelling headphones and it's very nice. I did not realize how much sound I was putting up with, not just on a daily basis but every second! You could be surprised to find that there are other factors at play: other sounds, smells, lights, etc., stimuli that are being processed and causing this seemingly simple situation to become overwhelming.

    I hope that your parents are open to discussion and helping.

  • The child over the hedge has the most ear spitting scream that she does several times an hour, I can't be out in the garden when she's out playing and she's out a lot, as it practically sends me into a low earth orbit.

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