Out of Routine

Hi, I’m autistic with ADHD, I do office work, manage a department, work globally with lots of meetings, long hours. I’m at the end of a 2 week holiday but have seriously struggled, can’t sleep, super anxious. I can’t work out if it’s because I’m out of routine or just burnout or maybe both. Work is seriously draining but also I’m fairly good at it so I’m motivated to do a good job but hate the fact I’m going back to work just as stressed as 2 weeks ago 

  • Hi Wave

    I'm Autistic with ADHD too and have a similar story/situation. I too work in an office environment, long hours etc. Work is a struggle for me too but I've been doing the job a long time and I'm really good at it. The perfectionist side of me means I'm a hard worker and do a good job.

    I've coped relatively well for years (but would be worn out on my days off) However...I recently had several months off due to poor physical health and when it was time to return to work, suffered with terrible anxiety and insomnia. I then struggled to mask like I used to or rather found it so much more exhausting. I'd find on my last day of work, I'd finish, then get into my car and cry, like sob. Then completely shut down for 2 days. 

    Changes to routine do strange things and I think time off work doing your own stuff, hobbies etc. makes going back harder. 

  • Hi Wave

    I'm Autistic with ADHD too and have a similar story/situation. I too work in an office environment, long hours etc. Work is a struggle for me too but I've been doing the job a long time and I'm really good at it. The perfectionist side of me means I'm a hard worker and do a good job.

    I've coped relatively well for years (but would be worn out on my days off) However...I recently had several months off due to poor physical health and when it was time to return to work, suffered with terrible anxiety and insomnia. I then struggled to mask like I used to or rather found it so much more exhausting. I'd find on my last day of work, I'd finish, then get into my car and cry, like sob. Then completely shut down for 2 days. 

    Changes to routine do strange things and I think time off work doing your own stuff, hobbies etc. makes going back harder. 

  • I feel for you I used to be a self employed financial advisor and would work at a silly rate and I could not switch off just take it steady

  • I struggle with routine, also.

    Normally, I'm more productive at nighttime. Deffo an issue, in a diurnal world.

    Normally, I settle for the bare minimum.

  • Thanks, I’ll take a look

  • Hi!

    It definitely seems like something is amiss - I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling under such a heavy workload. :(

    This NAS article explains about autistic fatigue and burnout, and offers advice on what to do if you're experiencing it: 

    Autistic fatigue - a guide for autistic adults

    There's also some great advice about anxiety here:


    It sounds like it might be worth you talking to your GP to see about getting some support?