Trying to find work losing hope

I don't know what to do I've tried retail and can't cope with it I had to leave my last job because it was causing panic attacks and I wasn't treated well. 

I've got a head full of ideas for my own business but nothing solid and the job center is not only breathing  down my neck but my advisor isn't listening to me about what I can cope with and trying to force me into roles not suitable for my needs.

I want to work from home ideally that way I can be in my safe space,  have access to things like my sensory aids etc and be around my pets as I work. I also want to work from home as I can't take other staff members drama.

I keep getting the talk that I need to meet new people and be in a job where I make friends but I've been burned by people so much especially people I should trust.  I just don't have it in me to try make friends anymore, I just want to do my job and that's it.

I feel like I'm being backed into a corner and the closer my UC appointments get the more worked up I get , I just don't know what to do .

I want to make it clear because I know people judge those of us on universal credit that I do desperately want a job I just don't know what to do or how to deal with my advisor because I want a job I feel safe in and don't get hurt by other people again.

What jobs do you all have ? 

What Jobs can I look into from home? 

If I have to go out to work how do I cope ?

  • You are not alone. I used to work 10 years  in retail, I hated that. So many people, noise, the stupid ads being played over and over again whole day, the entitled Karens, the managers breathing on my neck to smile, to make eye contact with every customer, to modulate the tone of my voice when I speak to customers and when I said I can’t do it because I concentrate on the task, on helping the customers with their questions, I hear that it’s something wrong with me. I graduated in logistics (bachelor of engineering) and I’ve finally got a job in this profession. It’s not super ambitious, actually below my qualifications, but I love it. Money is just enough to live normal life and make some savings, I have no customers, I have very few (male) colleagues and I have good relations with them, but mostly I just stay focused on my tasks. There are no dramas and gossips, we are direct with issues to each other. They are happy that I’m here and I’m satisfied with my job. It took me long time to figure out what suits me and to tell myself: no! You don’t have to be or do what others expect from you and you don’t have to listen their advice. I’ve also heard many times “go, meet people” and I always ended up depressed and asking myself what’s wrong with me. Is there anyone who could advise you about your future? About jobs, further education etc? 

  • You are not alone. I used to work 10 years  in retail, I hated that. So many people, noise, the stupid ads being played over and over again whole day, the entitled Karens, the managers breathing on my neck to smile, to make eye contact with every customer, to modulate the tone of my voice when I speak to customers and when I said I can’t do it because I concentrate on the task, on helping the customers with their questions, I hear that it’s something wrong with me. I graduated in logistics (bachelor of engineering) and I’ve finally got a job in this profession. It’s not super ambitious, actually below my qualifications, but I love it. Money is just enough to live normal life and make some savings, I have no customers, I have very few (male) colleagues and I have good relations with them, but mostly I just stay focused on my tasks. There are no dramas and gossips, we are direct with issues to each other. They are happy that I’m here and I’m satisfied with my job. It took me long time to figure out what suits me and to tell myself: no! You don’t have to be or do what others expect from you and you don’t have to listen their advice. I’ve also heard many times “go, meet people” and I always ended up depressed and asking myself what’s wrong with me. Is there anyone who could advise you about your future? About jobs, further education etc? 

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