What are your views on ghosting?

My personal view is this:

If you feel unsafe, or you feel like your attempts to communicate with the individual are just not working, then ghost away.

If the person is your friend/partner, and you're on fairly good terms, not keeping them in the loop is disrespectful. 

If my friend was struggling, I would want them to shoot me a message saying "I'm just going through a rough time but I'm not ignoring you". I had a friend who claimed she was depressed (which is fair enough) and therefore didn't have the capacity to respond to my simple "hey, everything okay?" message, but then I'd see her doing her YouTube videos and going to parties, and I was just totally confused.

There was another time we made plans to do a video call, the day arrives and she's nowhere to be seen or heard. 

I have a friend who was like "It's not fair on you for me to only speak to you when I feel like it, we both matter and we should be there for each other regardless of whether we're happy or sad" which helped me think about it differently.