Recently diagnosed aged 37 however parent dismissed my diagnosis

I have very recently being diagnosed autistic and adhd aged 37 I have waited over 2 years for my assessment and before this took a year to even speak to my doctor about it as I find it hard to open up and talk about myself. I felt a sense of relief when I was diagnosed as I finally realised I'm not broken or a failure my brain just works differently. I told my mum which I was worried about and she just said nah I would ask for a second opinion you just struggled more when you moved out as you had more responsibilities and how could I have a job and kids if I was autistic and then she just ignored my messages all night. I just don't know how to feel about it I feel is it my fault that I didn't open up more or speak more about my difficulties or should I have told her differently or beforehand. I just feel a bit lost with it all

  • If you wish to try to explain autism further to your mother, maybe quote some famous Autistic people? Christine McGuiness, Dan Ackroyd and Elon Musk all have successful careers and children.

    But if it becomes a problem to discuss it with her, it's best to leave it and just discuss it with people who have more open minds. You are still the same person you always were.

  • Try and get her to sit down with and watch Unmasking my Autism by Christine McGuiness, it's a documentary of her self discovery and well worth watching.

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