Did my first fire performance last night

Hi how is everyone doing? I have been working extremely hard over the last few months to become a fire performer. Most Sundays my Friend Rikki has been training me and a few weeks ago I got my first fire staff. Last night we went to a festival only a local one in my home town. Got in for free because Rikki was one of the performers then Rikki asked the guy who organised the festival if I could take part I could have killed him lol. The guy said yes as long as I am under constant supervision as I am only a beginner, luckily I had my staff with me. I was super anxious had a few mini panic attacks but Rikki calmed me down he knows how to calm me down. Then it got dark and we were called up to perform I was terrified, and people watching then I set my staff on fire which was even more terrifying then the adrenalin kicked in and I started to focus I blanked out the people watching us, and the heat coming from my staff and I did my tricks only the very beginner ones and yeah I did my first ever performance with Rikki by my side supervising me and it was amazing. people were filming us and the achievement of actually getting up and walking into the middle of a field with the other performers was just something else. My life is so much better me and Rikki the arguments have cooled down big time but they still happen from time to time but are not so intense as they used to be and we are working through our problems little by little.