When was the earliest time in your life that you remember feeling different from the majority?

Mine was when I started school. I remember sitting on a table with other children.  I felt happy enough but then they all started what felt like a word dance that I didn't know the steps to and couldn't join in with.  I remember feeling very alone and confused and panicky..  I mayve had my first shut down. Felt like i was in a washing machine and sound became a background thing. Suddenly couldn't understand them. That feeling still comes in a group of people. 

What was your experience?

  • As many others have said the first day at school was a standout time for me. I remember being hysterical because of separation anxiety from my mum and remember most of the other kids not reacting in the way I did. That reaction lasted all through primary school and I only ever managed one school trip. I hated school until I left. I did my best to hide it but others were comfortable at school and I knew I never felt comfortable, too many kids and teachers to avoid or be ready for which generally made me feel unwell. 

    School was one big bad memory 

  • For me the same. Terrible noise during breaks. Transitions between classrooms. Constant changes. New semester, new schedule, subjects, teachers etc. constant stress and anxiety and sensory hell. Often after school I had something like hysterical tantrums (probably meltdowns). And bullies of course. I’m lucky to have managed it somehow but my memory from school is very traumatic. 

  • For me the same. Terrible noise during breaks. Transitions between classrooms. Constant changes. New semester, new schedule, subjects, teachers etc. constant stress and anxiety and sensory hell. Often after school I had something like hysterical tantrums (probably meltdowns). And bullies of course. I’m lucky to have managed it somehow but my memory from school is very traumatic. 
