When was the earliest time in your life that you remember feeling different from the majority?

Mine was when I started school. I remember sitting on a table with other children.  I felt happy enough but then they all started what felt like a word dance that I didn't know the steps to and couldn't join in with.  I remember feeling very alone and confused and panicky..  I mayve had my first shut down. Felt like i was in a washing machine and sound became a background thing. Suddenly couldn't understand them. That feeling still comes in a group of people. 

What was your experience?

  • Such a good question. I don't remember the earliest times that I thought this but it was in my head throughout my childhood.

    I think the earliest that I do actually remember is a bit weird, but it was thinking something along the lines of "how do people get married and have other people in their rooms and even in their bed?". I reckon I was about 7 or 8.

  • Thanks for all your shares. Mostly painful memories sorry if I pulled that up for you all. 

    Well I'm just about to go out with 2 plaits in my hair.I expect im a bit old for that at 57 but here goes. I asked my daughter if my 'tism' is showing if I wear them. She said its ok.Here goes. Fed up of masking, people never like me when I mask so makes me feel why do it.

  • Well I'm just about to go out with 2 plaits in my hair.I expect im a bit old for that at 57 but here goes

    Ah, plaits are good at any age! 

    Somebody once told me (well, said loudly in my hearing, more accurately) that women over 30 with long hair was embarrassing...

    People, there's no accounting for them! 

    Have your hair however you want.

  • Well I'm just about to go out with 2 plaits in my hair.I expect im a bit old for that at 57 but here goes

    Ah, plaits are good at any age! 

    Somebody once told me (well, said loudly in my hearing, more accurately) that women over 30 with long hair was embarrassing...

    People, there's no accounting for them! 

    Have your hair however you want.
