I don't feel the same as many of you

I feel like an outsider here, my experiences seem very diferent, my interests different, the things I do or don't do are different. The books I find helpful or not are different. Most of you seem like lovely people, so I'm not having a go at any of you, but I just feel like I don't really belong here with the rest of you, I don't feel like it's imposter syndrome, more like I stick out like a sore thumb because of some of the above. I feel like I'm irritating people because of my differences, here I feel almost as much of an outsider as I do in NT company.

  • Whats a boomer upbringing?

    I like that most people don't care or remember me, I don't want to stand out that much, if you stand out people hassle you and want things from you, think you have all the answers, its a massive pain in the bum.

  • Whats a boomer upbringing?

    I can answer that question

    I like that most people don't care or remember me

    I remember you, your're the cat lady, you like cats, and you'r a woman

    I don't want to stand out that much

    That's a self-esteem issue

    if you stand out people hassle you and want things from you

    That's only if you're rich. No one cares if you have green hair, but they will stare !

    think you have all the answers,

    In my case, I do. And all the questions too.

    its a massive pain in the bum.


    [edited by moderator]

  • Dear Lestat, 

    We would like to remind you of rule 5:

    Be nice to one another and enjoy chatting with others. We encourage conversation and respectful debate; please be aware that individuals may give opinions which are not shared by other members. Insulting posts or comments making personal jibes will not be tolerated.   

    Kind Regards,

    Rosie Mod

  • Dear Lestat, 

    We would like to remind you of rule 5:

    Be nice to one another and enjoy chatting with others. We encourage conversation and respectful debate; please be aware that individuals may give opinions which are not shared by other members. Insulting posts or comments making personal jibes will not be tolerated.   

    Kind Regards,

    Rosie Mod

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