I don't feel the same as many of you

I feel like an outsider here, my experiences seem very diferent, my interests different, the things I do or don't do are different. The books I find helpful or not are different. Most of you seem like lovely people, so I'm not having a go at any of you, but I just feel like I don't really belong here with the rest of you, I don't feel like it's imposter syndrome, more like I stick out like a sore thumb because of some of the above. I feel like I'm irritating people because of my differences, here I feel almost as much of an outsider as I do in NT company.

  • I feel the same way sometimes. I’ve always felt like I’m not very smart and everyone here seems super clever. I think it’s amazing that we are all so different but all have something in common. I’m not a big poster and really have to think about what I say and if it’s ok. It is the same for me when I have a face to face conversation….. my words don’t come easily which makes me seem like a bit of drip. I enjoy reading a lot of people’s contributions on here and you make a lot of them TheCatWomen so keep up the good work. 

  • I don't have ADHD, I don't show any of the symptoms of it whereas I do for autism and did when I was diagnosed.

  • It's no problem at all. I'm keen to have a look at the new forum too.  Only one month to go.

  • I've had several attempts at socialising more. Admittedly with others who have mental health problems. I'm way too socially anxious to venture outside of that.  All my attempts have been failures. I don't come across well IRL.

  • Thanks. Sorry for not responding earlier. I'll be glad when we switch to the new forum software.

  • Curious if you've experienced the same on an ADHD forum? There's a lot of overlap, but there's also some polarities of differences. And there's also a great deal of misunderstanding about the differences between the two. 

    IMHO, I have encountered many who self diagnose as Autistic who appear actually ADHD. It could be good to trial a group if you haven't yet and see if you feel any different? x

  • Pragmatic socialist . socially liberal  Admittedly not that good when it comes to technology.

    A boomer upbringing, is what i associate with my grandparents, and to a lesser extent my parents. But it can apply to all age groups. I consider it more an environmental  phenomena induced state of mind, and not a actual time based phenomena, though of course it's restricted to a certain epoch in western civilization. Primarily.  Now with all this big words out of the way...

    Yeah, socially liberal, arent we all, we live in UK, both you and me. It's a Pragmatically socialist state. With all these social taxes levied upon us. Fire , police, schools, councils, tssh it's a damn shame. I'd like to see a rev0lut10n. But that's just me, i have an appetite for destruction right now

  • Somebody who is conservative and square and bad with technology

    Pragmatic socialist . socially liberal  Admittedly not that good when it comes to technology.

  • Hi The Catwooman, from what I understand, after the Second World War the soldiers returned and the country had a boom in births, the children born from 1946 to the 50’s are known as boomers. It’s thought those children have had the best lives as houses were cheap and things life pensions were ‘gold plated.’ My own parents are ‘boomers’ their house cost £4000, it’s now about a million, my children will never see growth like that and will work to a much later age.

  • Dear Lestat, 

    We would like to remind you of rule 5:

    Be nice to one another and enjoy chatting with others. We encourage conversation and respectful debate; please be aware that individuals may give opinions which are not shared by other members. Insulting posts or comments making personal jibes will not be tolerated.   

    Kind Regards,

    Rosie Mod

  • fair trade in trust!

  • fly Kestrel, fly.. good hunting

  • perhaps your distress is a masking situation?

    A situation where you are evolving and growing from being here with us and that can be an uncomfortable stage.

    Often, when we get to that stage in any situation, we can have a fight or flight response. We are on the verge of a breakthrough as we say to ourselves "I am 'known' as being one way, bit I feel a shift and want to express myself and feel a new way now .. but there is this history that has me behaving this first way...

    It can be frightening, to be seen as inconsistent. It is a masking thing.

    Do you have anyone who you really trust over the years with whom you can be whoever you are evolving into? If not, please know you are in a safe place here with us to let go and evolve.

    This forum is a precious place, just for that, just for you.

    Evolve away! And we will be here for you as you grow. We will catch you.


    Boomer upbringing.. hmm... As a boomer myself (70yrs old,) I would say that term is too over burdened.

    My own boomer experience would as distinct as the next person's as you can read on my profile.

    Each of us is on a unique and one-of-a-kind journey! Enjoy the ride and hold on tight! We are all of us on the move!

  • wisdom in the words Rach.

  • TheCatWoman I was around when you started posting on this forum.  You seeemed  to really dive in and embrace it and would reply on a number of posts and create them. You have sustained that for some time and in some people it could cause a burn out in itself. If you need a break it is ok to take one. I've seen you come of differently in some posts and you write that some people have said to you that you behave younger than you are with some of your behaviour and interests which made you seem a bit more Peter Pan like. I've seen also  mention though about their being a generational divide in age. You seemed to me a bit more sure of yourself  earlier on into you being a member so it is a sad to see you question yourself more, We share some things as being on the spectrum but we still are all unique. Be who you are.  This is a social media autistic forum and perhaps a pass time hobby for you. The world is changing and that will reflect differently with their experiences of it. You can take breaks as well by more discerning what with you read and respond to.

  • Oasis was the reason Nineties Kids appreciated the Music of the Sixties and Seventies

    That and Stubborn parents who played elvis and the fab four and insisted they listen

  • Oasis was the reason Nineties Kids appreciated the Music of the Sixties and Seventies. Slight smile