interesting musical instruments

even though I have hypersensiitve hearing I have learned that I like playing musical instruments. I tryed to learn how to play it at secondary school once but I found it too noisy and stoped and if i ever hear people play a guitar or anyhting its usualy too loud for me or something like rock which is even louder than loud and usualy combined with singing adding another noise ontop of it. people used to play it in assembaly sometimes which I hated. any noisy or loud things particulalry if it also involves cheering or shouting in any form even something not rleated to music like the who cryed wolf game which caused people to scream and run away every time people say dinner time was problomatic and so music was even worse and allways been loud so  can be very problomatic and used to result in my leaving the room or not going into asembalys. for this reason music was viewed as threatening no matter who it came from including my sisster and singing allways caused a problom in the car if my sisster started singing cause of that. and still now when people sing even if only singing to themselfs i ususaly find it too loud even if to them not singing loudly and just enjoying themself. so even though I was interested in music. I avoided it cause it caused anxiety and upset. when i got older I used ear defenders but it still caused high levels of anxiety. when i turned 12 i developed an interest in religion and my special interest in philosophy i had allways been interested in since i was little was strongest  as soon as I turned 13 I became interested in religion. iv never been the kind to be comfortable singing and never been known to.  and whenver i went to church i was the only one that didnt join in or I would be slow to respond to instructions like standing up and sitting down or i would acidently talk when im not suposed to which mum tryed to get me to understand was dis respectful. I mainly spent time at a part tucked away from everyone rather than join in and in the end stopped going and Iv never sung in front of people and had a thing about it. my interest i started watching religious cartoons like super book. . i only sung once when i was 13 but that was the last time. i avoided instruments up until I was 14 and 15 when i begun watching the land before time and Ben 10. I became interested in guitars cause ben 10 saved the day with one and the dinosaurs in the land before time inspired each other. then when after the age of 18 i stoped being interested in christiananity but  stayed interested in philosophy and aswell as that I developed an interest in different religions and cultures around the world and that took the form of an intensified interest in myths and legands than i already had but ones from Greece that then developed into other cultures like india and others and transended to foreign musical instruments. I have a vivid imaganation and like exsperimenting with things so bought an instrument that origionates from India,  China, - the china one partialy influenced by my interest in martial arts, African instrumet and American then last but not least an instrument melody played in pokemon 2000 and also a ukulele also called the dancing fleas. I started practicing the instruments and trying to learn how to play them. 

im very good at bird calls and can track down where they come from even when quiet or far away cause of my hypersensitive hearing this also means that when people hear my recordings they might not nesacerily hear it even though i can 

I prefer to play instruments without singing at the same time for me when it comes to playing  instruments.  I have recently been practicing with the ukelale cause I havnt played it for some time and I want to learn how to play it. I try to take advantage of stregths my hyper sensitive hesring gives me  and I decided to play it in front of my family. they said that it was quiet and i need to play louder and Iv also become interested in the guitar. that one is Abit louder but not too loud and my sisster let her have hers which she doesnt use anynore so that i dont have to buy one. I do recordings and also film myself to see how i can improve. being in a house makes playing it diffucult cause i dont want to disturb people or them to hear it when im just practicing until iv got the hang of it so apart from taking an online course to get better at it im learning by myself otherwise. I was wondering if any one would be interested in my recordings. as i get better as i get older it would be interesting for people to see how far iv come since starting and it would be interesting  in what you think and how i can improve if you would like to hear the recordings I can also share infomation about the history and origions from each country and  culture the instruments origionate  comes from aswell

these are the instruments i was talking about 

venu - South  indian first one on the left (big one) said to be the flate Krshna used in hinduism. Chinese flute the dizzy next to it 

with the metal and tape around it. small one and alarge  proper profesional one. Bansuri North Indian instrument -last one.

the talking drum Djmbee 


Quena. a traditional flute of the Andes. origin; South American 

Andean pan plute. origion; Greece 

Ukalale 4 string instrument. Hawaii.

guitar - not a foreign instrument in the UK but still an interesting instrument 

  • these are the foreign instruments. the legands and history and origions are quiet interesting and I learned alot about them. I dont  know if anyone would be interested in this sort of thread or not but I thought Id ask just in case 

  • these are the foreign instruments. the legands and history and origions are quiet interesting and I learned alot about them. I dont  know if anyone would be interested in this sort of thread or not but I thought Id ask just in case 

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