Folding clothes and other people in my home.


The last two weeks have been manic for me. We have had a friend over for a week then we've been babysitting our granddaughter for 5 days and it's been stressful for me. I've also been working in this time and not had any alone time.

My partner changed the bed and did laundry today while I was at work to help me out and while I appreciate it, I hate the way he does it. I hate the way he makes the bed because it's not how I do it and the way he folds the laundry makes me feel physically uncomfortable to the point I have to refold it all and strip and remake the bed. I love him to bits but now we have a colleague staying with us and I'm just so overwhelmed, I want to cry but I can't let it out. My eye/eyebrow are also twitching uncontrollably and my heart rate won't drop below 90 BPM. I'm stressed, overwhelmed and too hot. 


  • "The last two weeks have been manic for me. We have had a friend over for a week then we've been babysitting our granddaughter for 5 days and it's been stressful for me. I've also been working in this time and not had any alone time.

    My partner changed the bed and did laundry today while I was at work to help me out and while I appreciate it, I hate the way he does it. I hate the way he makes the bed because it's not how I do it and the way he folds the laundry makes me feel physically uncomfortable to the point I have to refold it all and strip and remake the bed [Link removed by moderator] I love him to bits but now we have a colleague staying with us and I'm just so overwhelmed, I want to cry but I can't let it out. My eye/eyebrow are also twitching uncontrollably and my heart rate won't drop below 90 BPM. I'm stressed, overwhelmed and too hot"


    It sounds like you’ve had an incredibly overwhelming couple of weeks, juggling work, family, and hosting all at once. It’s totally understandable that you're feeling stressed and in need of some alone time. The fact that your partner is trying to help, but it’s not in the way you’d like, adds to that frustration—especially when you're already feeling on edge.

    It might help to communicate gently with your partner about how you're feeling, not focusing so much on how things are done but more on how overwhelmed you are and what kind of support would be most helpful. It’s okay to let yourself feel what you’re going through, and maybe finding a small moment to decompress could ease some of the stress. Also, if you’re feeling physically overwhelmed, like with the eye twitching and increased heart rate, it might be a sign your body is asking for a break. Even if it’s just a few minutes to breathe and cool down, giving yourself that time is important.

    Hang in there—you’re handling a lot, and it’s okay to acknowledge that it’s hard right now.

    [Edited by moderator]

  • "The last two weeks have been manic for me. We have had a friend over for a week then we've been babysitting our granddaughter for 5 days and it's been stressful for me. I've also been working in this time and not had any alone time.

    My partner changed the bed and did laundry today while I was at work to help me out and while I appreciate it, I hate the way he does it. I hate the way he makes the bed because it's not how I do it and the way he folds the laundry makes me feel physically uncomfortable to the point I have to refold it all and strip and remake the bed [Link removed by moderator] I love him to bits but now we have a colleague staying with us and I'm just so overwhelmed, I want to cry but I can't let it out. My eye/eyebrow are also twitching uncontrollably and my heart rate won't drop below 90 BPM. I'm stressed, overwhelmed and too hot"


    It sounds like you’ve had an incredibly overwhelming couple of weeks, juggling work, family, and hosting all at once. It’s totally understandable that you're feeling stressed and in need of some alone time. The fact that your partner is trying to help, but it’s not in the way you’d like, adds to that frustration—especially when you're already feeling on edge.

    It might help to communicate gently with your partner about how you're feeling, not focusing so much on how things are done but more on how overwhelmed you are and what kind of support would be most helpful. It’s okay to let yourself feel what you’re going through, and maybe finding a small moment to decompress could ease some of the stress. Also, if you’re feeling physically overwhelmed, like with the eye twitching and increased heart rate, it might be a sign your body is asking for a break. Even if it’s just a few minutes to breathe and cool down, giving yourself that time is important.

    Hang in there—you’re handling a lot, and it’s okay to acknowledge that it’s hard right now.

    [Edited by moderator]

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