

Long story in short: I have inadvertently brought bedbugs home from my work place. Management knew there was an issue with bedbugs in my work, but opted for cheapest possible solution to fix it. As a result, there are some areas crawling with bedbugs. A colleague also brought home bedbugs in much the same way and managed to infest his girlfriends flat. I have just spent an unpleasant weekend trying to spray my bedroom, and steam-clean every nook and crannie. My wife is bitten to hell and gone and I'm going out of my autistic brain! 

Can I hold my employer responsible for this mess? And would it be unreasonable for me to ask him to pay for a professional pest control person to sort my house out?

  • If you can find this particular brand of insect killer, big or small, it does them all.

    Literally from 6 inch long THINGS it took down in greece when I first discoevred it 30 years ago, to de-fleaing a room, clearning out wasps from the roof, it seems super toxic to insects in a way that fly killer can only dream of. 

    It does not "repel" them, it does them in wholesale! We know it hereabouts as "The Chemical Weapon" and only use it as a last resort.

    A spray that is also good, (but I think they may have banned it) is NUVAN "TOP".

    Again, it does exactly what it says on the tin.

    Compared to those two products of human ingenuity, everything else is weak by comparision.