Alcohol usage

I came across an article a few years back that says people on the autistic spectrum are four times more likely to become alcohol dependent or a full blown alcoholic. I personally have always loved drinking alcohol but recently I fear I have become dependent or worse. Recent events have caused me to be warned by the police about my behaviour. Other things have contribruted to this rise in alcohol usage. Does anyone else have this issue? Does anyone use it to escape their own mind? Cope with people and life? What are your thoughts and opinions?

  • People think i'm crazy cause i do LSD,(daNGeRous)  with no qualms, yet these same people be smoking their lungs up with black tar, and drinking them selves silly

    I'm not an alcoholic and never will be. I don't like it. Its my least favourite drug. And I dont smoke.

  • People think i'm crazy cause i do LSD,(daNGeRous)  with no qualms, yet these same people be smoking their lungs up with black tar, and drinking them selves silly

    I'm not an alcoholic and never will be. I don't like it. Its my least favourite drug. And I dont smoke.

  • Wow I kinda think it’s a bit hypocritical that people judge drug users so much yet they drink poison in the form of alcohol. Alcohol is quite an insidious substance. Think of all the damage it causes. Why is it legal to begin with? Everything bad that ever happened in my life can be linked to alcohol. Not saying it’s an excuse but it sure as hell caused it. I don’t know I just don’t mix well with it at all. My mum drank during pregnancy dunno if that has something to do with me having autism or what? Who knows? But she sure did drink whilst pregnant. She couldn’t give it up at any point in her life. Quite sad really. Not that I feel sorry for her or anything she was and always will be a drunk. Cares about nothing other than the bottle. 

  • God, I wish LSD was legal.