Should I get a diagnose?

I am 42 years Old and working as a researcher in a multi-national company.

I have a 10 years Old son who is not-speaking autistic. my daughter, 12 years Old recently got diagnosed with autism, She has mild autism and ADD. I can relate my childhood with her. I had social anxiety and still to some extent, I get very emotional with other people behavior. I am also good at remembering number and small details and can find a solution that other people cannot think. Few traits that really hinders me but few traits really helps me at my work.

Should I get a diagnose for autism at this stage of my life? Do you think it would be helpful to confirm that I have autism. 


  • It’s your decision of course but in my case for example the diagnosis is not necessary at all. Do your research, test yourself, read and see some other people’s lives experience and see how much you relate and ask yourself how you could benefit from having the diagnosis. See also if having it would possibly not start being a problem for you. I’m not reaching for that for few reasons, one of them is price of it and how hard and complicated it is. But everyone’s situation is different. I have my adjustments at work without showing any paper. Nobody never asked for that but I’m lucky to have understanding and accommodating manager. Knowing how I’m different is very helpful for me. Here are some examples: I know how I’m different and why, now I know what causes me stress and anxiety, I found the emotional wheel with help of other users of this site. This helped me a lot with processing and recognizing my own emotions, strengths and weaknesses. I also Found a Job that suits me, because I have tasks that don’t require much contact with others. And I’m good at that and I’m valued for my work. I just concentrate on improving the quality of my life without going for official diagnosis and it’s working. Maybe I will do it in the future if I need it. I can recommend you channel “autism from the inside” by Paul Micalleff on YouTube. Really good content 

  • It’s your decision of course but in my case for example the diagnosis is not necessary at all. Do your research, test yourself, read and see some other people’s lives experience and see how much you relate and ask yourself how you could benefit from having the diagnosis. See also if having it would possibly not start being a problem for you. I’m not reaching for that for few reasons, one of them is price of it and how hard and complicated it is. But everyone’s situation is different. I have my adjustments at work without showing any paper. Nobody never asked for that but I’m lucky to have understanding and accommodating manager. Knowing how I’m different is very helpful for me. Here are some examples: I know how I’m different and why, now I know what causes me stress and anxiety, I found the emotional wheel with help of other users of this site. This helped me a lot with processing and recognizing my own emotions, strengths and weaknesses. I also Found a Job that suits me, because I have tasks that don’t require much contact with others. And I’m good at that and I’m valued for my work. I just concentrate on improving the quality of my life without going for official diagnosis and it’s working. Maybe I will do it in the future if I need it. I can recommend you channel “autism from the inside” by Paul Micalleff on YouTube. Really good content 

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