About pip

I really hope they don’t turn pip to vouchers as that’s never going to work for a lot of people and it really worries me and a lot of other people. This voucher thing will never work and I pray next Tuesday they say they are scrapping it 

  • it doesnt matter to the government.... the government want to find money, want spending down, want to optimise the economy.... your taking money, thats all they need to know..... they want to see if they can claw it back, so they can fund the nhs or something or make themselves look competant like they saved the economy... they have a massive desire on them to want to magically fix the nation now, they will commit to a austerity far stricter than the tories did because austerity does infact get you more money out of nowhere and optimises your budgets... this labour government is a government of HYPER-austerity.... austerity on steroids.... he even said he was all about cost spending and budgeting/austerity, BEFORE you elected him... he told you this was his policy... if anyone bothers to check policies before they vote rather than vote on media lies and what clueless people are repeating and brainwashing us into.

  • The DWP had a consultation on the proposed reforms which has just ended so hopefully, the many responses against this bad idea will have an effect. We could always protest about any scheme to introduce vouchers.

  • people with autism can physically work, so this will effect every single one of you on this site that are on benefits lol

  • At least in Scotland Adult Disability Payment (PIP) is devolved so less likely to be affected but I think it is terrible to see bashing disabled as an easy win for the press.

  • He wants Britain working, yes. He didn't say anything about forcing people who physically can't into work.

    It's not like the Tories saying they'll force people into conscription.  

  • PIP isn’t means tested, employment status doesn’t affect someone’s eligibility to receive PIP

  • It's possible that we may have a clearer idea after the King's speech today, as this is when he will outline the government's plans.

    If the Labour government does intend to run with the Conservative's idea of introducing a voucher system, it's likely they will need agreement from the House of Lords first. I feel it's worth noting that any changes are likely to take time to implement, so whatever the outcome, I don't think we need to start worrying just yet.

  • starmer literally said he wants britain working, if you can work you must work, theres no place in britain for people that refuse to work.... maybe you can say hes a red tory? ... or maybe you can say that labour is a workers party, you voted for a party based on you all being workers.... what else did you expect?

  • I think they'll scrap it. They are generally not as shamelessly cruel as the last lot.

    Also, I imagine it's the DWP pushing for it more. 

  • I agree with you it's a despicable idea.  But I trust this new government as much as the last one and I expect vouchers will replace real money.