Test Gorilla


This is my first post and I was looking from people that have had experience with the 'new' so popular work assesment "Test Gorilla", I work in an institution that uses it nd I found it incredibly useless and triggering for neurodivergents. As a Rep of my union I would like to have a better knowledge of the feelings of the community. 


  • I was looking from people that have had experience with the 'new' so popular work assesment "Test Gorilla",

    I haven't used this particular platform but have performed a number of other psychometric tests on other platforms in recent years when I was applying for management roles.

    A psychometric test is an assessment used to measure an individual's cognitive ability, personality, or behaviours, and as a neurodivergent we will give non-typical responses to a number of these questions, flagging us up as different to the mainstream, therefore not a good fit to the criteria.

    They are not specifically designed to weed us out (at least that is not their stated purpose) but instead to give the employer the best candidates that can stand up to the demands of the role - something we tend to struggle with.

    There are elements of team working and social integration within the team than most of us will fail, but the employer wants someone who will be part of the pack, a real "team player" which will exclude most of us.

    They want someone who can cope under stress, again an situation we are often not good in.

    At the end of the day they are focussing on the sort of neurotypicals that the employer wants which will, by its nature, filter us out. We can't claim discrimination as they are looking for a pattern match for the attributes requested, not to exclude people based on different characteristics. Subtle but effective for them.

    To my understanding there is nothing you can do about it other than mask your way through it, but the tests are also sensitive to inconsistencies so this requires skill in masking.