Struggling with Life

I’m not sure how to start this…but basically today I have felt really down. I am fed up of my weight, fed up of women problems, fed up with my dad and fed up trying to figure out my life.

A while ago I had a great opportunity to become an apprenticeship in Chester Zoo (my dream job), but since I have only passed my driving last November and only recently got my car I got anxious on the roads to Chester Zoo and back so I had to pull out of the opportunity.

i decided I could volunteer and went for a chat this Tuesday. They said they would contact me on the Wednesday via email or phone call and I haven’t heard anything. 

Now I just feel like I’m in limbo. I don’t know what I am good at, I can’t find any interesting jobs, I envy people who know what job they want. I’m finding this so hard and I don’t want to reach 35 and still be the same position SobSob 

I don’t know what to do and how to do SobSob

  • I got anxious on the roads to Chester Zoo and back so I had to pull out of the opportunity.

    Have you tried taking the journey a few more times to see if you can overcome the anxiety? Often knowing the road - where the difficult bits are, where the petrol stations are, where you can pull over to take a breather / bathroom break etc are will help you feel more confident.

    After a few weeks you will be doing the trip on autopilot anyway so it is good to break the inertia before the job.

    This may not help with the job at the zoo but if anything else comes up it is worth considering.

    As for their delays in getting back to you, it is all too common and I wouldn't read anything into it yet. Drop them a line on Monday afternoon and ask if there is any update and leave it at that - they may just be really busy and poor at communicating.