Life feels like a pointless drag

I just want to clarify that I have no intention of killing myself. I do not feel depressed or suicidal but I just feel very stagnant with life and it feels like it is going nowhere. I have many good things going on but I still feel this way and I cannot precisely pinpoint why. Anyone else feel like this? 

  • I felt like this for a long time in my teenage years and in my twenties.  I feel like I want to offer you a solution, so I'm gonna give you a cliche answer - find a hobby.  But not really any old hobby, focus on a core skill. What I mean by this is developing a central skill in an area which can then cascade into it's related hobbies.  For instance I'm really into 'Art', the kind of Art where you practice drawing for ages and get somewhat good at it.  For instance I'm going to a life painting session tomorrow to practice even more - even after almost 20 years of practice!!!  I've found that my skills in art translate into other hobbies, like painting miniatures for board games, even gardening.  But for instance you could learn the core skills in Music and then apply that to a hobby such as drumming in a marching band for example.  Or you could decide to work on your body, through weight lifting or exercise, and then apply it to a sport. But I think the key is to really get your head down and learn a core skill for a while, and then expose it to the world via your progress, or through a hobby.  Showing your skills like this enriches the world around you, and therefore you as well.  You might lean into an core skill already and not realise it.  If not you might want to take Yellow trees advice and take the world in, to do some self reflection. I hope that helps.

  • I felt like this for a long time in my teenage years and in my twenties.  I feel like I want to offer you a solution, so I'm gonna give you a cliche answer - find a hobby.  But not really any old hobby, focus on a core skill. What I mean by this is developing a central skill in an area which can then cascade into it's related hobbies.  For instance I'm really into 'Art', the kind of Art where you practice drawing for ages and get somewhat good at it.  For instance I'm going to a life painting session tomorrow to practice even more - even after almost 20 years of practice!!!  I've found that my skills in art translate into other hobbies, like painting miniatures for board games, even gardening.  But for instance you could learn the core skills in Music and then apply that to a hobby such as drumming in a marching band for example.  Or you could decide to work on your body, through weight lifting or exercise, and then apply it to a sport. But I think the key is to really get your head down and learn a core skill for a while, and then expose it to the world via your progress, or through a hobby.  Showing your skills like this enriches the world around you, and therefore you as well.  You might lean into an core skill already and not realise it.  If not you might want to take Yellow trees advice and take the world in, to do some self reflection. I hope that helps.
