Is scripting out answers a form of masking?

Hi everyone,

I recently had an interview with a charity supporting people with disabilities. I disclosed my autism and anxiety in my application, and they were incredibly accommodating—they provided the questions in advance, which made the interview much more manageable. I didn't even have to ask! Although I didn't get the job, my experience was really positive with them.

While I’m always honest in interviews, my strategy of rehearsing answers word-for-word isn’t effective if unexpected questions come up. When this happens, I often get stuck.

How do you handle unexpected questions in interviews?

Also is my need to rehearse answers a form of masking?

  • Hi Rish, My communication is full of scripting. I practice conversations in my head prior to any social situations including job interviews. I think this is part of masking but also learning how to communicate effectively due to my anxiety. Don't be discouraged. I have come a long way in the past 4 decades as you build a strong toolkit of social scenarios and responses. I journal to also reflect on what's gone well and what could be better. All the best!

  • Hi Rish, My communication is full of scripting. I practice conversations in my head prior to any social situations including job interviews. I think this is part of masking but also learning how to communicate effectively due to my anxiety. Don't be discouraged. I have come a long way in the past 4 decades as you build a strong toolkit of social scenarios and responses. I journal to also reflect on what's gone well and what could be better. All the best!

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