Quick question on headphones/ear defenders/noise cancelling headphones

Hi, I have a question, I had been treated as ASD for sometime before I was formally diagnosed as I was in hospital and observed, they used an in house diagnosis alongside my other condition which I went there for obviously.

It was what I must have been observed like  on a ward with like 15 patients at most and staff.

I looked at a patients headphones and tried them on, they was the junior ones in pink. It was suggested by the consultant on the ward I should buy some for myself from observation. Though years before it was pretty much concluded by them.

I did buy some and went for my favourite colour green. However, after use and I think it may have gone in a laundry as the dirt started showing on the headband was affecting me. Also, at times the fit was a bit tight to close for pure comfort .It is not recommended for adults, I am female.


I have seen these but they don't fit completely flat as a headband. But, the colour is darker, how much happened in what seemed a secure wash for the headband. A wipe I was thinking might not be that effective.


That led me to think it is  that serious go for defenders and I thought that they would may likely do a good job. However, I was wrong.

I ordered two from Amazon. one for home use and one for outside if needed. You can see them below.





They did however not fit right  on my head and that gave ave me headache like symptoms. So, I need to be careful if I will continue in this search. Years ago I used to use headphones without even music on and people would ask often  what I was listening to and I would say no. It was like sometimes I liked being in my own world as well. I still have these Sennisher open headphones with a band and used it quite recently and someone said to me several months ago to try noise cancelling headphones, One person told me in hospital they had that pretty much. How they work I don’t know and well, my question moves on.

I mentioned on this forum that I had like perhaps at least 12  sessions with a sensory OT as it is moderate level 2 for ADOS, I have mentioned before I have some  2's and some 1’s. may be that is average lol, but as a child I would say I was level 2 in the majority of areas. I was remembered in my teens from primary school early days.....mixture of issues going on not known etc. Since testing at times it seems some aspects of stereotyped interests which was pretty much all 2’s has gone up due to stimming more because of  things going on more recently as well.

My question clearly though is are noise cancelling  headphones for Autism would you say as well and are they comfortable, I would more likely think that perhaps it may work, but I am not certain for sure. My underlined question is will the noise cancelling work without music or are they more pointless in that respects..

I am looking for something if I could buy them and I am not at a healthy weight at the moment, about head size, but I am 51 now. I did state that the diagnosis was going on nearly 10 years in house etc. I had it confirmed at 49. As I mentioned it has been going  on since early childhood documented and in memory..

Has anybody used a comfortable pair they may suggest to go from here  or are  the noise cancelling issue not resolvable. I didn't choose to email my last sensory support the last one I had, They though suggested a lot of sensory things when I was seeing them and more. They arrived a couple of times with boxes for me as well which I demoed. I have experience speaking with NHS with other treatment I get as well.

Thank you

i had intended this to be a bit more brief, but more information came to mind as I was typing. Thumbs up as well to Word. Hopefully the typos are gone. Getting later where I live.

  • I'd seriously consider reconditioned or second hand models from eBay etc rather than brand new from Argos / Amazon. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/176409068382 for example. This is an older generation of the Sony ones with exceptional noise cancellation and will come in at well under half the price of the xm-4 brand new. The difference between models isn't that big but the difference between an older generation of "best of breed" NC headphones vs. what you'll buy brand new for the same amount now is huge. For example, I used to have a pair of the entry level Sony Noise Cancelling headphones from new. They were something like £70 and the cancellation wasn't even in the same league as the XM-3 which was only another £15 second hand. I know they're all massively expensive for what they are though but it the noise cancellation is key then you get a lot more for your money going reconditioned / second hand.

  • I don't know if this is helpful or not but I own both noise cancelling Sony headphones (XM-3) which I bought from a business seller, second hand on ebay for about £89. They're very good at blocking out noises including taking the edge off conversations in the near surroundings but they do not remove them completely. However, I also own a pair of Honeywell ear defenders which have a built in audio jack and earphones and they provide noise isolation pretty well as you'd expect from ear defenders but running music or some white/brown/grey noise from a noise app into them is really good for masking out sound.


    the sound quality for music is good, it's not loud or engulfing in bass but it sounds much better than other defenders with radios in them that I have tried.

    Hope that's useful.

  • My research suggested that noise cancelling headphones are less good at blocking voices, which is the noise that bothers me the most.

    Yes - this is by design.

    The noise cancelling technology drive was to create a tech where you could use your headset in a noisy environment and it would block everything but the voice component.

    Chances are that if someone is trying to talk to you then you will want to hear it so the technology will filter out more distant voices and only let through those that seem to be close by.

    If you need complete silence then ear defenders are the way as it creates a physical signal that you will not be able to hear them and it better be damn important if they are going to interrupt you.

  • I own two pairs of ear defenders. 

    These I wear to the library and they successfully cut out pretty much all noise there. I am not aware that people are talking and laughing near me until I take them off. However, after a couple of hours I feel like I need a break because of the pressure on my head. 


    I sleep in these every night. They say they're for kids but they fit my head and could be adjusted bigger if necessary. The sound blocking isn't complete but they're comfortable and it's usually enough to stop people drunkenly shouting outside from waking me up. I can still hear music played on my phone through them if I put it next to my pillow.


    My research suggested that noise cancelling headphones are less good at blocking voices, which is the noise that bothers me the most.

  • Thank you, some time out in London would do me nicely as well.

    Thank you all for the information shared.

  • I went to John Lewis (any audio specialist would do - e.g. Richer Sounds), told them my budget, and asked them to sell me something that had good sound quality for classical music and was noise cancelling. They let me try everything in the shop for fit and sound quality until I made up my mind. I decided on over-ear headphones as the in ear ones didn't fit me so well.

  • Sorry I have just seen you mention that you always go for over the head so the Loop Quiet 2 might not be a good idea.

  • Rachel, yes good noise cancelling headphones are expensive unfortunately.

    If you just want quiet and do not need to listen to music have you considered Loop Quiet 2?

    I have not used them but a lot of people are talking about them and giving them good reviews. They are only about twenty pounds.

    They sit inside your ears rather than over them. Below is a review of them and a link to the Loop website that sells them.



    Loop website:


    Perhaps others on here have tried them and can give their thoughts.

  • I use two types. A pair of over-the-ear headphones by B&W and Apple AirPods, which are in-ear.

    The PX7 by B&W are excellent and provide audiophile quality music with top class noise cancelling, partly because they are over-the-ear. I use them mostly to listen to music but sometimes with nothing playing, just to block out noise. They really do give a sense of escape. But they are expensive and large. Not really something that you would want to walk around wearing.

    For travel outdoors the AirPods are great. Surprisingly good music quality and quite capable noise cancellation for something that is in-ear. Their best feature is Transparency mode which dynamically blocks out loud noise whilst still allowing you to hear spoken words. Great when in a noisy area and you need to pay attention to what’s going on around you but. “Turn down the volume” at the same time. 

  • Thank you all, I have had another big surprise. I just went onto the Argos website and was so surprised to find the noise cancelling headphones start out more than ear defenders. This is just the beginning of my search and I expected them to be a bit more reasonable when a relative suggested them for me who is partial to saving lol.  I really don't play much  music because of my sensory issues with hearing and I like being wallled in as well at times. It seems like a lot of money for this, butif II can get comfort I am prepared to see what I can really do. I know that we used to at least be able to try things on in Argos, who knows if the rules have changed. I hope not if I  bought sometime from there.


    Lol. last night I fell asleep with my computer on, I was knocked out after taking medicatiion and couldn't turn my computer of.

    This has led me to me seeing ear plugs now etc. My eardrums have alwaysbeen to small to use them for comfort in ,my life, so I always go for over the head.

  • Thank you so much Ian. I have more than what I was asking for which is great as well. This will help me on my search. Hopefully I can get some that are comfortable, for me colour choices are  down to  green and white, so limiting my choices, I don't want to be led on a massive search.

  • Thank you so much, that is what I was wanting to know, but your experience with yours, I wouldn't buy those you own clearly now. but it is absolutely fantastic that it can actually work without listening to music to get noise cancelling. I have not looked at them ever online to my knowledge to buy on the internet and I don't mind that search now I have some basic knowledge. I expect to see about db perhaps now with sound effecting to dampen the sound sensitivity, so they say to an extent. I bought the Miffy protectors and explained what happened and got the Bull eyes on there. Was there a difference a bit yes, but one I was perhaps hearing more of my thoughts, which is not appealing at times for me for sure  when it is my own thoughts likely sensory processing?, unnerving to me for my senses  I am pretty certain, Just seen this, on this occasion after my experiences if I can try them on, I would try and do it, Thumbs up.

  • I have Bose 700 noise cancelling headphones (the ones that go over your ears). I find them comfortable and I can confirm the noise cancellation works both with or without music being played.

    Unfortunately I would not recommend them though as they rattle when walking around with them on which I find annoying and disturbs my quiet. I do not know if other Bose models  have this problem. The noise cancellation on them is superb though.

    If there is a John Lewis near you they may have the option of you trying on various pairs to make sure you find them comfortable. I have been told the Glasgow branch allows you to do this so I guess other branches may allow this too.

    I would recommend try before you buy to make sure they are comfortable for you if this is an option for you.

  • My underlined question is will the noise cancelling work without music

    There are 2 types of noise cancelling headphones.

    Passive ones rely on blocking the sound waves reaching your ear canal through foam and other physical barriers. The don't need to be doing anything to work in blocking the sound.

    Active ones use fancy circuitry with a microphone to detect the sounds reaching your ears then do a mix of blocking the sound using the materials from passive headphones and also generate "negative noise" to be played into your ear to cancel the outside sounds. These are the most effective but because of the electronics are also the more expensive.

    A good explanation on the two types (plus some links to reviews) is given here:


    I don't have any first hand experience but PCMag has always had solid reputation for their comparisons. I would shop about if you do narrow the choices though.