Mood Swings.

Anyone know any tips to help with general mood swings? One day im fine and the next day.....boom! I'm an empty shell and have no idea why. Cant even describe the feeling apart from feeling 'flat' or 'empty'. 

  • Hi,  I'm really sorry you're experiencing this. I can totally relate to what you're going through. Mood swings can be really tough to deal with, especially when they seem to come out of nowhere. One thing that has helped me is practicing mindfulness and meditation. Taking a few minutes each day to focus on my breath and clear my mind has made a big difference in how I handle my emotions. Also, keeping a mood journal can be helpful in identifying triggers or patterns in your mood swings. Remember, you're not alone in this and there are ways to manage and improve your mood.

  • Thats good advice holly. Will have to try some mindfulness and try to write down how i feel but its so hard to actually say what it is apart from, flat, empty, deflated or something along those lines lol

    We can only try 

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