Shared work load

Why does it seem that women do the majority of the work in relationships? It seems that we do the childcare, the housework, the emotional work of keeping everyone happy-ish, be the appointments and social secretary's, the shoppers and cooks and have full time jobs? It's not just me that thinks this, many studies show the same thing. I've met so many women who feel that they don't have a partner, but an extra child, this often lead to the breakdown of the relationship.

Its starting to make me think that all hetrosexual relationships are inherently abusive, I can't speak for same sex ones as I've never had one.

I know I'm going to get flak for this post, but I'm going for it anyway. I'd love to hear from people who have successfull relationships and what they're secrets are, not that I want another relationship, I'm just curious.

  • Why does it seem that women do the majority of the work in relationships?
    • It seems to bother some women more if these things aren't done
    • Women tend to get on and do things in the home without starting a discussion how to share responsibilities (because it's easier/takes less time), therefore they take on too much and risk becoming a martyr 
    • Girls are taught from an early age to be doing those tasks - give a girl a doll to look after as if it were a baby (I always thought that was pointless, as all I could do was put on and take off clothes.... I decided dolls should have clothes on and left them alone) and to 'people-please' where boys are given cars, things to build...
    • Some people, men and women, simply do not notice things that other people do (I can tell you when my home help moves my stuff, but I don't notice the dirt on the windows so I don't notice when she cleans the windows)
    • Some people are not as sensitive as others and will choose to compromise in different areas. I had put men/women here, but I can think of exceptions so changed it!
    • Social conditioning and cultural stereotyping
    • We learn from our parents, so it takes a few generations to change stereotypes
  • Why does it seem that women do the majority of the work in relationships?
    • It seems to bother some women more if these things aren't done
    • Women tend to get on and do things in the home without starting a discussion how to share responsibilities (because it's easier/takes less time), therefore they take on too much and risk becoming a martyr 
    • Girls are taught from an early age to be doing those tasks - give a girl a doll to look after as if it were a baby (I always thought that was pointless, as all I could do was put on and take off clothes.... I decided dolls should have clothes on and left them alone) and to 'people-please' where boys are given cars, things to build...
    • Some people, men and women, simply do not notice things that other people do (I can tell you when my home help moves my stuff, but I don't notice the dirt on the windows so I don't notice when she cleans the windows)
    • Some people are not as sensitive as others and will choose to compromise in different areas. I had put men/women here, but I can think of exceptions so changed it!
    • Social conditioning and cultural stereotyping
    • We learn from our parents, so it takes a few generations to change stereotypes