Shared work load

Why does it seem that women do the majority of the work in relationships? It seems that we do the childcare, the housework, the emotional work of keeping everyone happy-ish, be the appointments and social secretary's, the shoppers and cooks and have full time jobs? It's not just me that thinks this, many studies show the same thing. I've met so many women who feel that they don't have a partner, but an extra child, this often lead to the breakdown of the relationship.

Its starting to make me think that all hetrosexual relationships are inherently abusive, I can't speak for same sex ones as I've never had one.

I know I'm going to get flak for this post, but I'm going for it anyway. I'd love to hear from people who have successfull relationships and what they're secrets are, not that I want another relationship, I'm just curious.

  • Why does it seem that women do the majority of the work in relationships?

    I can think of a few reasons:

    1 - you are grom Gen-x or borderline Boomer if I recall correctly - this was a social norm when our age groups grew up as the female presence in the workforce was much smaller than it is now.

    There imprinted gender roles tend to stay with us unless we conciously work to change them.

    2 - the minds of men and women tend to have different ideas about what is acceptable with standards of cleanliness or orgnaisation, so the male will typically only load the dishwasher when he runs out of bowls, wash clothes when he has no socks left etc.

    I believe any couple need to take the time to establish ground rules and review them regularly to make sure the workload of day-to-day life is fair. I don't mean equal as there are many cases where some chores are not typically favoured by women.

    Men will typically get the heavy or messy jobs - digging the garden, mowing the lawn, taking out the havy. stinky rubbish bag etc. I'm sure most women would be quite capable of this but in every relationship I know of these sort of tasks are delegated to the male or stronger partner in the couple.

    In this day and age there is typically not a lot of difference in the working overhead of each sex so this is unlikely to be a factor for working couples.

    For couples with young children then the dynamic can be very different. It becomes much more complex with the stay-at-home partner having more time with the kid(s) so they are expected to time manage and do more of the household chores while the other partner is out making money. They have the stress of the commute, the workplace and often the pressure of keeping the job to keep the roof over their head too.

    These different pressures leads to some resentment normally of the other partner not appreciating how hard each others role is.

    I digress - but that is why I think there is a disparity. Men tend to be slobs and women houseproud is what it boils down to in most cases.

  • Why does it seem that women do the majority of the work in relationships?

    I can think of a few reasons:

    1 - you are grom Gen-x or borderline Boomer if I recall correctly - this was a social norm when our age groups grew up as the female presence in the workforce was much smaller than it is now.

    There imprinted gender roles tend to stay with us unless we conciously work to change them.

    2 - the minds of men and women tend to have different ideas about what is acceptable with standards of cleanliness or orgnaisation, so the male will typically only load the dishwasher when he runs out of bowls, wash clothes when he has no socks left etc.

    I believe any couple need to take the time to establish ground rules and review them regularly to make sure the workload of day-to-day life is fair. I don't mean equal as there are many cases where some chores are not typically favoured by women.

    Men will typically get the heavy or messy jobs - digging the garden, mowing the lawn, taking out the havy. stinky rubbish bag etc. I'm sure most women would be quite capable of this but in every relationship I know of these sort of tasks are delegated to the male or stronger partner in the couple.

    In this day and age there is typically not a lot of difference in the working overhead of each sex so this is unlikely to be a factor for working couples.

    For couples with young children then the dynamic can be very different. It becomes much more complex with the stay-at-home partner having more time with the kid(s) so they are expected to time manage and do more of the household chores while the other partner is out making money. They have the stress of the commute, the workplace and often the pressure of keeping the job to keep the roof over their head too.

    These different pressures leads to some resentment normally of the other partner not appreciating how hard each others role is.

    I digress - but that is why I think there is a disparity. Men tend to be slobs and women houseproud is what it boils down to in most cases.

  • I agree about gender norms Iain, but what when the woman is doing all the caring, childcare and household stuff and is doing a full time job?

    It's not been my experience that the men in these relationships do more of the heavy work or the bins, in my experience the women do these things too, all the gardening and decorating etc, whilst the men spend most of their time and money on "toys" like the latest TV or games console, or stuff to service their hobbies, whilst the woman pays for most of the household stuff and all the childrens expenses, like new shoes and school uniforms. What's worse is when you've been working two jobs and doing a college course and he's not working, that everything is still left undone, there's no food in the house, no shopping, cleaning, washing up or gardening has been done and the bins are overflowing. I'm not that houseproud, I just don't want a carpet that crunches underfoot, or a kitchen floor that you're feet stick too, a bathroom that you don't have to clean before  you can clean yourself. Is that really to much to ask?

    Good for you Tigernew. One of my dog walking acquaintances has been having to be the "housewife" and carer after his wife had a knee operation and was imobile for a time, he said he'd rather work 12 hours in a coal mine, (his former job). He said he dosen't know how we remember it all and it's relentless and they're elderly and don't have children at home, he said he couldn't imagine what it would be like to have to do all that and look after children and do a full time job. I have known a few guys who have decided to take time out to stay at home with their children.