Forensic query on similarities between ASD and ASPD

I am sorry that I asked, I was too shy to ask this question as it may trigger and offend some people with ASD, my motivation is to help both autistic people and the general public understand each other in a healthy way.

Is there a reason why some people posit surface-level parallels between Autism Spectrum Disorder and Antisocial Personality Disorder, like those with ASD unintentionally contravening rules, while those with ASPD do so with mens rea?

It is also a forensic science question, my bad

I am not saying they are the same, it is just how the laymen view them and based on media issues and ignorance.

  • From my very limitied understanding, or rather what I've read in wikipedia, I can see why some people confuse the two, some people want others to be exact copies of themselves, families watch each other so as no one steps out of the family boundaries. People with ASD often need quite a bit of alone time and time to persue interests that may seem irrelevant, odd or obessive to others, society seems to tell us that we are social creatures who need lots of company, this has become worse with the advent of smart phones and social media. To switch off is becoming to be seen as dangerous, maybe you're ill or had an accident, but something must have happened for you not to answer, the idea that you might be in the shower or the toilet seems just about acceptable, but the idea that you don't want to speak to anyone, that you're busy doing something else and don't want to be interupted seems to be becoming more socially unacceptable. I think we need to ask why this is?

    People with ASD often don't like crowds, or noise, or bright lights, many have problems with bright sunshine, have dietry needs and may "stim" to help them cope with over stimulation. These make social situations difficult, for example I don't go to pubs/clubs/restaurants, because I dont' feel safe surrounded by so my people, I can't hear properly, I can't differentiate where sound is coming from, something many hearing aid users also complain of, I feel as though I'm surrounded by a load of radios all tunes to different channels and at differing volumes. I can often hear one from 3 or 4 tables away, but no the one right in front of me, if people are turned away I can't lip read either, I didn't realise how much I unconciously lip read until someone wasn't looking at me whilst speaking and I have normal hearing and need no aids. People think I'm being ignorant and rude, I'm not, I genuinely can't hear them. Flashing lights give me migraines. I have quite a few, well lots of food allergies and intolerances leading to me being almost vegan, this is a big problem, people ask me to go out and eat with them and I have to say no thanks. People don't want to go without me, even though I've explained why and that its OK and I don't feel excluded and I also don't want them to be constrained by my food needs. This has led to lots of awkwardness, accusations of attention seeking, people not understanding that these allergies and intollerances make me ill, sometimes for a couple of weeks, it's not just feeling a bit icky nor is it about likes and dislikes.

    I can also be a bit unsubtle and people don't like that, I blunder into places where angels fear to tread. Some of the things I enjoy are seen as wrong somehow for my age, gender, social class or whatever it is NT's use to pigeon hole people, I dont' understand why it is wrong for me to be a good armchair general, but apparently it is because of my gender. I should like tools either, I've been told it's unfeminine. I've been told I'm too tall to be a proper girl and can't I go on some sort of diet? Like thats going to make me lose a couple of inches off the length of my legs!?!

    I do like people and won't willingly hurt one, except in self denfence, I just don't find them easy to get along with or to understand, I find myself being set up as the bad guy far to often, so I gave up having friends, I have some aquaintances. I have learned what sort of people are unhelpful for me to be around, but have yet to find anyone who's good to be around, but I'm quite happy and would rather be alone than lonely in a crowd. I did meet a small group of ladies around my age, all with greyhounds like me and we'd meet for a dog walk, I fot a puppy and she grew up around them, she is far more adjusted to that group than I am, I am a cat among hounds.

    I hope this helps in smoe way and good luck with your research.

  • From my very limitied understanding, or rather what I've read in wikipedia, I can see why some people confuse the two, some people want others to be exact copies of themselves, families watch each other so as no one steps out of the family boundaries. People with ASD often need quite a bit of alone time and time to persue interests that may seem irrelevant, odd or obessive to others, society seems to tell us that we are social creatures who need lots of company, this has become worse with the advent of smart phones and social media. To switch off is becoming to be seen as dangerous, maybe you're ill or had an accident, but something must have happened for you not to answer, the idea that you might be in the shower or the toilet seems just about acceptable, but the idea that you don't want to speak to anyone, that you're busy doing something else and don't want to be interupted seems to be becoming more socially unacceptable. I think we need to ask why this is?

    People with ASD often don't like crowds, or noise, or bright lights, many have problems with bright sunshine, have dietry needs and may "stim" to help them cope with over stimulation. These make social situations difficult, for example I don't go to pubs/clubs/restaurants, because I dont' feel safe surrounded by so my people, I can't hear properly, I can't differentiate where sound is coming from, something many hearing aid users also complain of, I feel as though I'm surrounded by a load of radios all tunes to different channels and at differing volumes. I can often hear one from 3 or 4 tables away, but no the one right in front of me, if people are turned away I can't lip read either, I didn't realise how much I unconciously lip read until someone wasn't looking at me whilst speaking and I have normal hearing and need no aids. People think I'm being ignorant and rude, I'm not, I genuinely can't hear them. Flashing lights give me migraines. I have quite a few, well lots of food allergies and intolerances leading to me being almost vegan, this is a big problem, people ask me to go out and eat with them and I have to say no thanks. People don't want to go without me, even though I've explained why and that its OK and I don't feel excluded and I also don't want them to be constrained by my food needs. This has led to lots of awkwardness, accusations of attention seeking, people not understanding that these allergies and intollerances make me ill, sometimes for a couple of weeks, it's not just feeling a bit icky nor is it about likes and dislikes.

    I can also be a bit unsubtle and people don't like that, I blunder into places where angels fear to tread. Some of the things I enjoy are seen as wrong somehow for my age, gender, social class or whatever it is NT's use to pigeon hole people, I dont' understand why it is wrong for me to be a good armchair general, but apparently it is because of my gender. I should like tools either, I've been told it's unfeminine. I've been told I'm too tall to be a proper girl and can't I go on some sort of diet? Like thats going to make me lose a couple of inches off the length of my legs!?!

    I do like people and won't willingly hurt one, except in self denfence, I just don't find them easy to get along with or to understand, I find myself being set up as the bad guy far to often, so I gave up having friends, I have some aquaintances. I have learned what sort of people are unhelpful for me to be around, but have yet to find anyone who's good to be around, but I'm quite happy and would rather be alone than lonely in a crowd. I did meet a small group of ladies around my age, all with greyhounds like me and we'd meet for a dog walk, I fot a puppy and she grew up around them, she is far more adjusted to that group than I am, I am a cat among hounds.

    I hope this helps in smoe way and good luck with your research.
