Can't stand for my neighbor anymore

Hi all,

in the last weekend my neighbor above my apartment did some parties, there was some shouting, I heard people running. I was sick and I couldn't even sleep due to the noises. Since then, I cannot find peace in my own house, I hear everything she does, like walk, her cell phone alarm, the TV on. I feel a heavy, big load on my due to (i don't know how so say it) like hyper-sensoriability (?). I have to be with headphones on my own home, it drives me crazy how i can hear everything. It's frustrating and exhausting. 

I do meditate, I really try to focus on me but this is a battle I'm loosing. I feel like stranger on my own home, I cannot find peace.

Did it ever happen to you? What can I do to not adjust/modify my life do to other's noises?

Thanks so much,


  • Did it ever happen to you? What can I do to not adjust/modify my life do to other's noises?

    I've had various problem neighbours from students who thought playing heavy metal very loudly at 6am was a good idea to some chinese students who would sit ourside out window and talk until 2am (their balcony was almost outside our bedroom window), plenty of people above who would stomp on their wooden floorboards and drag furniture across all the time to the odd young child who would cry at random times day and night and not be comforted.

    If you live in close proximity with your neighbours then noise is likely to be an issue so you are better off finding ways to cancel it out, wether through sound insulation (assuming you own the house) ot noise cancelling earphones if you dont.

    If you need peace then you need to find somewhere with no neighbours really - a place in the country perhaps. But then there is the wildlife noises - foxes howling at night in mating season (spooky sound that), chickens crowing in the morning at silly o'clock, cows mooing etc.

    If you live by the sea there is the sound of gulls and the waves lapping or crashing on the beach - pretty much nowhere safe from it.

    So maybe the headphones option is the way to go after all. Cheaper than moving or renovating too.

  • Thanks for the quick answer <3 

    Yeah, i'm with headphones and i live alone, but even if I play relaxing music in my TV I can hear the noises. It is exhausting. 

    I find peace in the ocean, river or any water sound. I should go there more often (I have a river near - 30min in car). Maybe i should by those feng-shui fountains just to hear water running.

    Thanks for your reply, now i dont feel alone regarding this.

    Thanks <3

  • Thanks for the quick answer <3 

    Yeah, i'm with headphones and i live alone, but even if I play relaxing music in my TV I can hear the noises. It is exhausting. 

    I find peace in the ocean, river or any water sound. I should go there more often (I have a river near - 30min in car). Maybe i should by those feng-shui fountains just to hear water running.

    Thanks for your reply, now i dont feel alone regarding this.

    Thanks <3

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