Going on holiday

I’m pretty ashamed to post this, but some particular ableist stigma issues mum and I have suffered by Virgin Atlantic holidays, among other airline holiday operators, some which have misled me in the past by their lies, but in this instance have been nothing but discriminating and downright evil, especially when it’s came down to getting airport, airline and destination support arranged.

Before the pandemic, I luckily established a friendship, though lost touch since after, with a previous area manager for Virgin Holidays who was an Autism, Disability and MH ally, who coordinated selfless and attentive support for me to attend the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo in Vegas back in 2018, when my carer mum was unable to accompany me due to not being able to afford the fare.

However, in this instance the friend no longer works for Virgin, and I’ve been paying off a trip for the two of us, to Orlando in August, but between the sales and special assistance team, both have been rude and abhorrently ableist towards us, one slur making it clear, of a sheer lack of autism acceptance, to that of Autism Speaks practice, them being lead to say Autism is curable, which has made me think whether it might be safe for me to fly with them? Methinks definitely not, after them saying that.

I also recall BA, back in 2019, awarded NAS’s award for best Approved Airline for Autistic passengers, but last year (2023) after preparing a return visit to the NFR, BA weren’t prepared to makeFlag whiteny reasonable adjustments to accommodate my access needs and the situation I was in, from not having any support, apart from returning to see some autistic ally friends over there, but I was forFlag whited to cancel the trip, cuz of BA’s stigma, and don’t want to be lead to do so this time by Virgin, as one of the reasons is for mum to meet my oldest autistic (and trans Flag white️‍⚧️) ally friend who works for universal.

Is there any way NAS or someone could step in to address or challenge the issues we’re facing with this booking with Virgin in August, as we’re both unable to cope with all this hatred any longer!

Even this post has been very triggering, sensory overloading not to mention agonising as both mum and I are both learning disabled. I have an access rider if anyone wishes to peruse it, as it contains a detailed list of my conditions and experiences.

Really hope someone can step in!

peace and love